Chapter Twelve

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This may be written differently.
excuse mistakes (I didn't proofread)

Its been a couple of days since I last heard from Zuri

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Its been a couple of days since I last heard from Zuri. Well, since I left out that hospital room. Dash told me she was back at home now, recovering. Although I should feel relieved that the nigga that did that to her is dead, I don't. I don't cause he shouldn't have done shit to her in the first place. She ain't deserve it.

And, it was all my fault. My fault that she was shot, and my fault that she was in the hospital for it. She was supposed to be there working and helping other people, not cause a bitch ass nigga put her in there.

I deadass think it's bothering me so much cause I ain't heard from her. We ain't spoke since that night, and neither of us bothered to even text or call each other. I got all my updates through the boys. They spoke out loud through they conversations, and I honestly think they did it for a reason. Reason being so that I could know without asking, looking like a pure dumbass in my feelings.

Another thing that piss me off, is when that nigga walked his jerry curl looking ass up in there. I still couldn't place where I knew that nigga from, but he seemed too familiar. It ain't even my place to study that nigga, but he give off weird fake ass vibes.

But if she like it, shit, who am I to stand in her way? I ain't doing that shit no more. Whatever tf we had, is probably dead now anyway.

She think I chose Olivia, well she can believe what she want to. It wasn't even about choosing nobody, but if I had to choose, I would've chose her.

No question.

But shit changed. She made her choice, so I'll make mine. She chose Butcher, and I'll chose Olivia.

It wasn't even about playing games with her, even if it seems that way. Like I said before, Im not a person to express myself. I go off vibes and energy. I felt a spark or some shit with Zuri, even since the first time I met her. I hated her ass at first, but that only proved that I was feeling her to a certain extent.

What tf bro? Im deadass having thoughts about my feelings. Tf wrong with me son? I need a fcking blunt.

"Yo, what up nigga?" Mikko came and sat across from me.

"Sup nigga?"

"Why yo ass sitting in here all in the dark and shit? Fck wrong with you?" He cracked a laugh.

"Shit, I just been chilling." I shrugged.

"Hell nall." He laughed again, and we both looked at the door, seeing Corey walk in.

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