Chapter Seventeen

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 "Who's in charge here?"

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"Who's in charge here?"

Everyone was confused and not sure what was going on.

"Chuck, is that you?" Mikko looked over.

Chuck and Larry were the top officers who were on their payroll. They loved their jobs, but they thrived off greed.

Greed of money.

That's where the boys came in. The more they covered for them and kept them out of jail, the more money they received. They were fine with that.

They were also fine with the fact that they were eliminating the ones just like them. The only difference is, the boys didn't hurt innocent civilians. Once again, they had their reasons behind their kills.

They had been working with them for quite some time now, and they talked when they could because they didn't want to be suspicious.

Quiet is kept though, the boys wasn't necessarily a target on the chief's list either. They were cordial.

If it was ever too much though, they couldn't be sure that they'd always be taken care of.

Which is why they only did things when absolutely necessary.

Everyone, literally everyone at the party looked between the two policers and the four hosts of the party.

"Shit, this Bullet party." Blade joked.

"Bitch, shut up." Bullet nudged him.

"Why you here?" Bones deep voice shook everybody.

"I think you know why." Larry stepped up, walking over with his hands on his hip.

Blade, Bullet, Reep, and Bones stood still, just watching him.

Wondering what tf was going on or if it had anything to do with those pictures placed in that envelope, that Bones hid behind his back.

"You're too damn loud!" Larry fussed.

"We've been getting complaints all night about this party!" Chuck joined in.

Bones let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He made it clear he ain't care about any of that shit anyway. If it was his time to get caught, then so be it.

"Oh. My fault, nigga." Bullet said.

Bryson was confused on how they were keeping their conversation so casual with the officers. Zuri was just standing there ready to go, while Angel was holding onto Dash's shirt from behind. Olivia was being Olivia, picking at her nails and being clearly annoyed.

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