Chapter Ten

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excuse mistakes🤍

 "Just get him on the table!"

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"Just get him on the table!"

Dash knocked over everything that covered the dining room table. Zuri and Angel could fuss about that later.

"Should've taken him to the hospital!" Zuri fussed loudly, because she couldn't understand their logic.

"Ain't you a fckin nurse? We don't need a fckin hospital!" Bones yelled back at her.

"Don't yell at me! It's your fault!" She burned holes in his face.

"How that shit my fault son?"

"You just had to pick a fight for no reason!"

"I had a fckin reason! Shut tf up talkin to me Zuri." He walked over to the kitchen counter where he could see everything going on.

"Can y'all both please shut tf up? I'm bleeding out over here." Mikko mugged them both.

Mikko got hit, which he got shot in not only one spot, but two. Mikko ended up standing close to Zuri, resulting in her splattered shirt of blood when he fell over towards her.

Everybody was running on adrenaline, and it helped to know that their apartment was not that far away.

"Just hold him down while I look at where he's been shot." Zuri spoke softly, but you can still tell she was pissed.

"Looks like it's upper shoulder and you got a little grazed on the left side of your torso

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"Looks like it's upper shoulder and you got a little grazed on the left side of your torso. I'm sure that it's still really painful. The bullet went through." I said to Mikko, who looked unfazed to be honest.

"It's cool. Just tape that bitch up. I'll live." He spoke.

Tape it?

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