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"Sit up straight," Dad instructed me. "Marielle, why is her hair like that?"

Umupo ako nang maayos at pinasadahan ng kamay ko ang buhok ko. Tinali ko iyon kanina nang low ponytail at nilagyan ng onting strands sa harap ng mukha ko. Agad kumuha si Mommy ng comb sa bag niya at pinaharap ako sa kaniya. She tucked those loose hair strands behind my ears. She made sure that my hair and face looked neat. Huminga na lang ako nang malalim at hindi na nagsalita pa. Wala namang akong magagawa. Papagalitan lang ako ni Daddy kapag nagreklamo pa ako.

We were meeting my father's parents today for breakfast. Birthday kasi ni Lola kaya gusto niya magkakasama kami. Simula lumipat kami sa Laguna ay ganito na ang nangyayari sa tuwing birthday nilang dalawa ni Lolo. It might sound fun but trust me, it wasn't. This was torture.

"Ma, Pa," bati ni Daddy nang dumating sila Lola.

Agad akong hinawakan ni Mommy sa braso para itayo at ilapit sa kanila. Lola looked at me from my head to toe. She didn't say anything but I could see that she wanted to say something. I asked for her and Lolo's hand for a bless.

"It is a good thing that you finally gave your daughter a decent piece of clothing, Marielle," Lolo said.

Yumuko ako para tignan ang suot kong puting dress. It looked plain and boring but I wore it anyways because this was what my mother told me to wear.

"S-Sir?" Mommy stuttered.

"Pa, what do you mean by that?" Daddy asked.

Lolo walked towards his seat as he spoke. "Your mother saw your daughter's picture on social media last time. She was wearing a piece of clothing– if you can still call it that– that was very inappropriate for a minor like her."

Inalala ko ang mga picture na inupload ko sa social media ko para maintindihan ang sinasabi niya. Ang naaalala ko lang na pinost ko noong nakaraan lang ay 'yong one-piece swimsuit picture ko noong nag-swimming ako. Iyon ba 'yong tinutukoy niya?

"What picture, Sir?" Mommy asked.

"The swimsuit, Marielle," Lola answered with a hint of warning in her voice.

Bumagsak ang mga balikat ko. Seryoso ba sila? Big deal iyon?

"But I was swimming. Alangan naman po mag-pajama ako?" sagot ko.

Pare-pareho silang napatingin sa akin dahil sa sinabi ko. I could see the dagger look my father threw at me.

"But that doesn't mean you should share it to the public, Ihja. Stop giving men a reason to drool over you," Lola said.

My jaw dropped with what she said. "I am not giving them anything, Lola. I posted that just becau–"

"I don't know what kind of daughter you are raising, Anthony, but I am sure as hell that is not what I thought you and your sibling while growing up," pagputol ni Lolo sa sinasabi ko. "Her cousins do not behave like her. I saw with my own eyes how prim and proper they are."

Well, yeah? If they're so good, where are they then? Why aren't they here to celebrate Lola's birthday?

Mommy held my arm to stop me from saying anything.

"She will delete the photo, Pa. Right, Allison?" Da glowered at me.

"Dad, it was just a phot–"

"Allison Marie, delete the photo now," Dad commanded while gritting his teeth.

I looked at Mommy but she just nodded at me. I scoffed. What did I even expect from her? Lagi na lang siyang nakakampi kay Daddy.

Padabog kong kinuha ang cellphone ko sa purse ko at binuksan ang Instagram ko. I sarcastically smile at them as I showed them my screen and hit the delete button. I saw Lolo shake his head and gave a glare at my father.

All I Need (Capture Series 2) [ON-HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon