Chapter 16

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"Girl, and then what happened?"

Tatyana asked as she passed my the bottle of Kraken.  Braelyn swallowed the thick rum easier than she had when they had first started drinking.  Now it was just a reflex.

As soon as she had been able to peel herself from her car, where she had been crying for hours, she immediately called Taty.  Her father had left her a note saying he would be gone for a couple of days, and she hadn't wanted to be alone.  She had needed something to take  her mind off the shit storm she was in the middle of called her life.  Taty had come over immediately with her favorite remedy for heartache: a bottle of alcohol she got from the liquor store where her cousin worked.

"Well," Braelyn pursed her lips sloppily.  "she told me then that I was basically poor trash, and she didn't want me around her son.  So I left."

Her best friend looked surprised.  "I swear to God, that bitch would've been cut.  She doesn't fucking know  you, who the fuck does she think she is making judgments on somebody she doesn't even know?"

"I mean, you're right, but it honestly isn't about her.  It's about Duke.  I can deal with elitist assholes.  I've been doing that my entire life." Braelyn took another drink from the bottle. "I wanted him. Want him.  But now I can't have him. Even if I could, would I want him? He's everything everyone said he was, and I feel like a fool."

"What's his number?"

Braelyn blinked. "Duke's?"

Tatyana rolled her eyes, getting up, almost stumbling.  She went over to the nigh stand next to Braelyn's bed and snatched her phone off it.  She scrolled drunkenly, and furiously, until she found what she was looking for. She clicked on the screen, and put the phone up to her ear.

"Taty..." Braelyn started, but she was cut off by her best friend's clipped tone.

"Duke.  Duke Brandons."

Braelyn felt the bottom of her stomach drop.  "Tatyana, please, no-"

"This is Braelyn's best friend, and you've fucked up."

"Give me the phone." Braelyn pleaded.

Taty took the phone from her ear.  "Look, girl, I know you like this boy, but you can't jus keep getting shit on repeatedly and not do anything about it.  If you don't say something to him about it, then I will.  Nobody fucks with my bestfriend."

Braelyn felt her heart soar at Taty's fierce loyalty.  She had always wished she could be more like  her bestfriend.  Brave, fearless.  Now was the time.  "Ok, give me the phone."

Her palm was sweating as she put the phone up to her ear.  "H-h-hello?"

"Braelyn?"  the sound of his voice put butterflies in her stomach.  "What's going on?"

"You know something, Duke, you almost had me fooled."  Braelyn started, not sure what was going to come out of her mouth next.  "You made me think that you were actually  a nice guy, and I can't believe I almost fell for it!  You and Jake both.  You just use people to play games! But not me.  Not anymore."

"Are you drunk?" he asked, a slight edge to his voice that made her a bit frightened and turned on at the same time.

"Y-yes?"  It sounded more of a question, and she was mad at herself for not being able to keep the tone she was working with.  "So what?"

"Are you at home?"

"Yes, I-"

Before she could finish the sentence, he hung up the phone. She looked at it, then looked up at her friend.

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