Chapter 14

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Braelyn was exhausted. Not physically. Mentally. This had been the longest day of her life. From tiptoeing around Jake and his girlfriend, to awkwardly partnering up with Duke, her brain just needed a nap from everything that was going on.

It seemed that before she knew who Heather was, she couldn't pick the girl out of a crowd. But now that she had seen her, she seemed to be the only face that mattered. And her face had been everywhere that day.

In the hallways between classes, the bathroom, the cafeteria, leaning against Braelyn's car in the parking lot...

She stopped walking, making sure she wasn't hallucinating.

No, no, this was very real. This was happening. Leaned against her little bug was the thin brunette. She was wearing a sweater tucked inside a plaid mini skirt. Her hair was in a high bun, and her makeup was to the T. She wore a pair of fake glasses and some heeled ankle boots.

Aside from the disgustingly pretentious glasses, she looked good. Really good.

Suddenly, Braelyn didn't want to go home anymore. She wanted to turn around and go back into the school. Stay there forever.. Or atleast until she wasn't there anymore. Whichever came first. Probably forever.

Taking a deep breath, Braelyn decided not to be such a pussy. She started toward her car again. It didn't take long, to her dismay, for her to get to her vehicle.

"So," Heather spoke, looking her up and down. "You're Braelyn."

It sounded like an accusation, not a question, but Braelyn nodded anyway.

Heather looked her up and down again, then...... Smiled?

"Well, I'm glad we're finally meeting. I'm Heather, Jake's girlfriend." She held out her hand.

'What the fuck?'..

Braelyn was so confused. Hesitantly, she took the outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you." Braelyn spoke plastering a fake smile on her face. She had heard so many things about this girl. Heather. But now that she was standing here, in front of her..

She seemed so different. Braelyn didn't know whether or not it was an act, but if it was, the girl was a good actress.

"You wanna go get some lunch?" Heather asked, "My treat?"


Braelyn had initially declined, but Heather had put Subway on the table, and Braelyn couldn't turn that down.

So, there they were, sitting down together eating their meatball subs.

"So, what has Jake hold you about me?" Heather asked after she swallowed some of her sub.

"Not much," Braelyn answered, covering her mouth as she spoke. "Y'all have been together awhile."

Heather nodded. "3, going in 4 years. Seems like we've been together forever."

"Four years is a long time in high school." Braelyn agreed.

"And there have been so many ups and downs. I'm sure Jake has told you that."

Braelyn shook her head. "We don't really talk about your relationship."

And a part of her was glad about that. She didn't want to be Jake's confidante. Especially when it came to Heather.

Heather nodded absently. That brought silence, which Braelyn was comfortable with. She wasn't sure whether the girl had an ulterior motive, or what, but she actually didn't want to find out.

Braelyn found it odd that she could look this girl in the face, knowing what she had done with Jake.

'It's because you're a heartless slut. Homewrecker.'

Maybe she'd feel something if it were a different girl? She'd just heard so much stuff about Heather. How could she possibly feel sorry for this girl?

"Has Jake come on to you?" Heather blurted out.

"What?" Braelyn found herself choking on her sub.

Heather put her forehead in her hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just-"

She stopped, unable to control the quiver in her voice. She took the faux glasses off, and her bright eyes were shimmering with tears.

"Are you ok?" Braelyn felt the knot in her stomach began to tighten.

"Yes," Heather sniffled, "I-I'm fine. It's just. You don't understand what it's like. Jake's such a great guy. He's funny and easy to get along with, so every time I turn around, some girl is trying to take him from me."

Oh shit.... Braelyn felt it... it was happening.

"I try, ya know?" Heather continued  tears streaming down her face. "I try to be the perfect girlfriend for him. He deserves it, because he's so amazing. But, I can't be everything he wants. I try, but I can't be."

Braelyn kept her fucking mouth shut, afraid for what confessions might come out. How had she been so fucking stupid? She'd never been one to believe what people said about someone, but she had let herself believe all the stuff about Heather. Why? So she wouldn't feel as guilty about trying to be with Jake?

Look where that had gotten her.

"Heather," Braelyn cleared her throat. "I'm, sorry. I have to go."

Heather had a napkin up to her eyes as she nodded. "No, it's ok. I'm sorry to unload all this shit unto you. I just needed someone to talk to."

Braelyn nodded, then said her goodbyes as she all but ran out of the Subway.


Heather waited until Braelyn got into her car and drove off before she stopped crying.

'God, that was easy....'

Getting up from the table, she went into the bathroom to examine herself.

Her eyes were bloodshot from all the crocodile tears, but other than that, she still looked pretty.

Had it been necessary to do what she had just done? Probably not, but she felt that in the long run it was for the best. And it had had been fun. Fun had no room for necessity.

Heather had known from the moment she had seen Braelyn in the hallway earlier that something had happened between her and Jake at the party. What? She wasn't too sure of, but she had known that something had happened.

If she had confronted Jake about it, he probably would've tried to breakup with her. Guilt and all that. So she took it to the one person who could do exactly what she wanted them to. Braelyn.

Heather had known all along that Braelyn was too nice. She had a conscience, which made her easy to manipulate. Heather knew exactly what would happen: Braelyn would tell Jake that she couldn't be friends with him anymore, and Jake would come back to Heather, because he had nowhere else to go.

That's the way it had been, and that's the way it would be. Jake would never leave Heather, not because he loved her, even though he did, but because where would he go if he did?


Hey y'all!!! Sorry for disappearing act!!! I also didn't spell check this chapter guys! I know the chapter is kinda short, but I wanted it to be all about Braelyn and Heather, and the first meeting. So, is Heather really crazy, or is she just smarter than everyone else? She's not just manipulating Jake anymore, but now she's gotten to Braelyn. What do you think Braelyn will do? It's weird to think that THIS is the way they meet. No Duke or Jake in this chapter, but where are we guys, Team Draelyn or team Braecob? Until next time guys!! XOXOXO(:

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