Chapter 20

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Braelyn had never felt so out of place in her life. She felt as though her dress looked too cheap, her hair was too ghetto, she was just too black.

And for this crowd, maybe she was. She and Duke had been dating for a few months now, and everything was like a fairy tale. He would take her out to dinners at the best restaurants in the town, to the movies during the week when he just wanted to keep things interesting, and they even took a trip down to the Gulf a couple of weekends ago. Things between them had been perfect. So much so that when Duke asked her to be his date to his father's annual charity mixer for the underprivileged youth of the town, she gladly excepted. 

What she hadn't realized was that it was a black tie event, and that his mother would be present. Braelyn wore a yellow sundress with her senegalese twist in a high ponytail on her head. She wore light makeup and some white open-toed heels. When Duke had picked her up wearing a tux, she instantly insisted that she go find something more suitable for the occasion, but he wouldn't let her.

"You're perfect." He promised her with a wide grin which traveled all the way to his eyes. And she had believed him. Until they made it here. And now she could see everything that was wrong with her outfit. And everyone else could see.

They were all formal dress clad with their pearls and glasses of champagne and their pompous attitude. Braelyn had never had anything in particular against these people. The upper class of the town who believed that they were better than everyone else. But tonight, she saw the way they looked down on her. Pitied her for being "less fortunate".

"So, Duke, what do you think of this upcoming election?"

Mr. Haupstead asked, swirling his scotch around in the glass. His wife, Mrs. Haupstead was  having an intimate conversation with Duke's mother across the room, but she would frequently throw a disapproving look toward Duke and Braelyn every now and again.

"Local or national?" Duke asked. Braelyn was surprised how differently Duke acted around these people. Other than his mother, Duke was very polite to everyone there, almost to the point of being a suck-up. Duke cared nothing of politics, something that Braelyn was very passionate about.

"Ah, what the hell, National." Haupstead chuckled as if he had made a risque choice. "Which one of our guys do you think is going to beat that cow Hillary?"

"Why do you assume Hillary is going to get the democratic vote?" Braelyn couldn't help but blurt out.

Duke looked at her with a mixture of excitement and dread. He knew where this was going, the same place it had gone several times when they discussed political matters.

Haupstead looked surprised. "Oh? And who do you think will get it?"

Braelyn lifted her chin defiantly, not wanting to seem weak to these people. "Bernie Sanders."

This was met with a uproarious laugh. "Is that so? And how, pre tell, is a Socialist going to run the greatest capitalistic power in the world? We've had enough of these socialist policies with your guy, haven't we?"

"What makes you think that Obama is my guy?" Braelyn slanted her eyes. 

Duke squeezed her hand as to tell her that this was getting a bit too heated.

Haupstead shrugged. "I'm just saying, a person from your background. It stands to reason that you would enjoy a comfy life which the government has to pay for with someone elses hard earned money."

"A comfy life?" Braelyn felt her blood boil. "This country is run off the backs of people like my father, who work day in and out for what little we have, and never bitches and moans about having to give a bit of what he has to help someone who is less fortunate because, unlike you, he understands that this system is rigged to keep men like him working and men like you fat and rich."

"Is that so, child?"

"Yes, it is so." Braelyn saw red. "Who gives a fuck whether or not you want to pay extra taxes. Get the fuck over it. While you people are going on vacations and buying yourselves the latest cars  people in America, in Mississippi, are starving. And you think it's because you have so much more of a work ethic than they do? It's people like you who will run this country into the ground with that backwards thinking. That's why this country is running into the ground. The rich get richer and the poor die from starvation and lack of health care and education. And the cycle never  ends because you continuously believe that you're better than them. You are the scum of the earth. All of you one percenters are."

Braelyn hadn't realized that she was shouting. Or that Duke was pulling her away from the crowded ballroom.

"Alright, time to get off the soap box, babe." he said into her ear as he lead her out of the city hall. Braelyn could see the disapproving look of all the wealthiest families in town. Could see the disapproval of Dukes mother. Fuck.


"You were absolutely incredible." Duke said with a laugh as he passed her the blunt.

He had rolled a special AK47 just for her, and she took it, gratefully. Some of Duke's bad habits had rubbed off on her, but she didn't think that smoking was one of them, she enjoyed it. Enjoyed with him.

"I fucked up." She said on an inhale. She felt so shitty. What would they all thing out her. What did his mother think of her.

"But you were right." Duke said. "You're all the scum of the earth." He repeated her, and laughed as he flipped through the channels. A rerun of Jon Stewart was on comedy central. Workaholics was coming on next. They would leave it here for awhile.

They were in his bed, him in his boxers, her in on of his t-shirts and her underwear. She had never thought she could be so comfortable with anyone. Munchie food galore, a blunt, and Duke. She had never thought there was such a perfect mix. "I love you."

She had never said it before now, but now she really meant it.

"I love you more." He captured her face in his hands and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. And she believed he loved he. She saw it in his every move. The way he looked at her, the way he caressed her. He made her the happiest person on the planet, and she only hoped that she made him half as happy as he made her.

She pulled from the kiss, a twinkle in her eye as she smiled mischievously. "Shotguns?"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang downstairs, followed by shouting and dogs barking.

"Come out with your hands up, NOW!"

Braelyn felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. What was going on.

She could hear frantic footsteps coming up the stairs and getting closer and closer to the room. Duke took the blunt from her quickly. As soon as he did, the police burst into the room. A k-9 barked ferociously, and Braelyn and Duke were being read their Miranda Rights


Firstly, yes, i am a flaky ass bitch. I'm horrible with keeping my word. I'm like that guy who promises to change but never does. However, I am trying to get better. For instance, i wrote this, right? some  progress. But no, i literally have no other excuse but that life gets in the way sometimes. Anyways, Braelyn and Duke in jail? What the fuck, right? So, i kind of wanted to bring in the climax here to see what you guys think will happen. I mean, Duke is safe because of who his father is, but what about Braelyn? What about their relationship? Also, no Jake this chapter, but what do you guys speculate that he's been up to these few months? did he get back with Heather, or maybe he's with someone new? And what about he and duke? How do you think the bromance is going if it even still exists? Let me know what you guys are thinking. Make sure to leave comments, questions and concerns. BTW, you guys are the best!! Until next time( and i'm making my boyfriend withdraw the sex until i write another chapter, so it will get done) XOXOXO

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