Chapter 22

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The daylight had never felt so bright on Braelyn's skin. She had been in the jail for the entire weekend. The only call she had been able to make was to Taty, who had been trying to get in touch with Braelyn's father for three days. He was gone on the road, and was so old fashioned that he rarely used his flip phone outside of emergencies.

She searched for Taty in the parking lot, only to find Jake standing near his truck.

She paused. "What are you doing here? Did Taty call you?"

Jake looked confused for a beat, then spoke. "Do you want to go get something to eat? I'm sure jail food isn't five stars."

In spite of herself, she laughed. "Sure."


Jake sat across from Braelyn at Waffle House. He had offered to take her someplace nicer, but that was the only place she had wanted to go.

He had missed her. Just being around her. Being her friend. Feeling the warmth of her spirit. It was infectious. It felt as though a light had been switched on inside of him, and for the first time in forever, he was smiling genuine smiles. Because of her.

"So, how have you been?" She asked, dark eyes gleaming with actual interest.

Jake shrugged. "I've been making it. What about you?"

A bright smile can across her face. "Aside from being incarcerated? Everything's great."

Jake knew that the smile came from being with Duke, and a small pang hit the bottom of his stomach. He wondered whether or not the same smile would be on her face had she ended up with him and not Duke. But he knew how happy Duke had made her, and that was enough. Or at least he had to convince himself that it would be. He needed to, if he were going to keep his promise.

"So," Braelyn intruded his thoughts, "did Taty send you to get me out? And how much was the bail?"

"You were released. No bail required." Jake knew what her next question would be, and he wasn't sure whether or not her was ready to answer it, but he know that he had to.

"How did I get released? Duke's mom would never allow that to happen." Braelyn shook her head.

"She didn't have any reason to make them keep you locked up after-"

"After what?" Braelyn's face fell into concern.

"After Duke promised to never talk to you again if she left you alone."


"No, no, he would never do that." Braelyn shook her head as to get the thoughts out of her head. Duke would never give up so easily. He hadn't in the past. If there was one thing that she knew about Duke, it was that he despised his mother so much that he would do anything to defy her.

"She told him that she would make all the charges against you go away and that she wouldn't bother you ever again if he agreed to two things. One of them was leaving you alone."

Braelyn felt as though she were in a dream. What person would stand in the way of their child's happiness? Why couldn't she see how happy she made Duke? How happy he made her? Was that not good enough for her?

"What was the other thing?" She wiped the tear away quickly, hoping that the ones filling the brims of her eyes wouldn't spill as well.

Jake felt his heart breaking. He hated seeing Braelyn cry. "That Duke would move to Germany after graduation to go to school there. Her brother is in Parliament, and she wants Duke to study under him, and become a political figure."

"So, she had to put an ocean between us?" The tears free flowed now. She couldn't stop them. It felt as though her heart were being ripped from her chest. And she couldn't do anything about it. What could she do?

"Jake, would you mind taking me home?" She spoke quietly, not sure how cracked her voice would be if she spoke louder. "I just want to go lie down."

"Yeah, of course."

They left the diner in silence, same as the ride to Braelyn's house. Once there, she gave him a weak farewell, and slumped into her house.


Hey y'all!! So, what did you think of this chapter? I'm pretty sure next chapter might be the last, so prepare to tie up all the loose ends! What do you guys think is going to happen? Anybody still holding out for Jake and Braelyn? This might be the opportunity he needs to get her to himself. But wouldn't that make him a lesser man? And did Duke do the right thing for Braelyn's future, or should he have found another way to fight his mother? Leave all questions, comments and concerns!! Until next time! XOXOXO

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