Chapter 3

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********WARNING: Contains some illegal activity.************

Jake passed the joint to Duke, who was bobbing his head to Wiz Khalifa's 'On My Level'. Duke had been Jacob's best friend since the third grade, and was the captain of the baseball team. For as long as Jake could remember, Duke had been by his side, steering him in the wrong direction.

"It's not just the fact that she was talking shit about the girl," Jake exhaled, releasing a thick cloud of smoke, "It's the fact that she doesn't even know her, you know?"

Duke nodded philosophically. "I know what you mean, man. I know what you mean."

Jake had been driving home from Heather's when Duke had texted, saying he had some Good. So Jake dropped off his truck at home, and Duke picked him up, driving them to their usual dead in road. It was the best place to roll up the windows and hot-box without looking suspect.

"Is she ugly?" Duke asked, passing the weed back to Jake.

There was a long period of silence. "Who?" Jacob paused. Yea, the high was hitting him.

"The black girl?" Duke coughed out. His eyelids were so low Jake could barely see his dark irises.

"Bruh, hell no." Jake leaned his head against the car window. "She's fine as fuck."

"That's why." Duke spoke, his voice as low as his eyelids. "You know how bitches are. They can't stand competition."

"But Braelyn isn't competition." Jake closed his eyes, licking the front of his teeth with his dry tongue. "She's cute as hell, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to go there with her. Heather's my girlfriend."

Duke put out the joint. "Heather's a BIG ole bitch. I've been telling you this from the get go. But you keep going back. Why? I have no idea."

"You can't help who you love, man." Jacob shook his head in what seemed like slow motion.

Duke laughed, hard and long. "Dude, you sound like a female. Man the fuck up."

Jake couldn't expect Duke to understand. He'd only ever been in one "serious" relationship. Back in seventh grade with Misty Greer. They'd dated for a solid month before Misty broke his heart via note, turning Duke into the womanizer he was today. Speaking of which..

"You got a picture of this girl?"

Jake didn't want to show Duke Braelyn's contact picture, but he did anyway.

"Yea, she's cute." Duke pause, trying to remember something. "Can I get her number?"

"No!" Jake yelled. When he saw the look Duke was giving him, he continued. "She's not like other girls, man. She's different."

Jacob knew how Duke was, and he'd be damned if he let that anywhere Braelyn. She deserved more than the broken heart she'd get messing around with him.

"Aight," Duke shrugged. "You wanna stay at my house tonight?"

"Yeah," Jake nodded. As high as he was, he couldn't deal with his parents right now. He pulled out his phone to shoot his mom a quick text, and noticed that Heather hadn't called or texted him once.

He figured as much. She never was the first to apologize, even when she was the one who'd fucked up. Jake sighed, deciding he'd be the bigger person. Dialing her number, he waited for the rings. After the second one, he was sent straight to voicemail. Was she being serious?

Duke started his truck, and they pulled off. Jake dialed Heather again, and was sent to voicemail.

'Grill' by MellowHype came on, and Duke began to sing it, oblivious to the storm brewing in his passenger seat.

Jake was furious. She ALWAYS did this shit. You'd think by the 30 millionth time, her games would get tired, right? Jake called her again.


"Hello?" Heather answered her phone innocently.

"What the fuck???" Jake's angry voice boomed through the receiver.

A satisfied grin came to her face. He was exactly where she wanted him to be."Jacob, you don't sound like you've settled down. How about you call me back when you can talk to me like a big boy?"

"Heather, you hang up on me, I swear to God-" Click.

Heather hung up in his face, like she had done a thousand times before. And, for the thousandth time, he called back.

"Hello?"she answered as though the previous call had never happened.

"Heather." Jake growled low in his throat. She could picture his face. Angry, sexy. She loved when he was mad.

"Are you calm now?" She spoke in a baby voice.

"OF COURSE I'M CALM!" He yelled at her. There was a small pause, then he spoke in a strained voice as though he was trying to contain his anger. "I'm calm. Heather, don't fucking play with me. Don't talk to me like I'm a child."

"Well, you stormed out of my house like you were a child, so I thought I'd treat you like one." Heather tossed her hair nonchalantly.

"Listen to me-"

"No, YOU listen to me, Jake," Heather cut in, "I don't appreciate the way you left my house. It was rude, and I expect nothing short of an apology."

"I don't appreciate you being a bitch, but I tolerate it because I love you. But you went too far today, and I expect YOU to apologize for what you said about Braelyn."

"Why?" Heather asked.

"Because she didn't deserve what you said about her."

"So what?" Heather challenged. "Why are you so defensive over this girl?"

Jacob sounded weary. "She's my friend."

"So is Duke, but when I call him a rat-faced retard, you say nothing."

"Yea, but-"

"But what?" She continued, knowing that she had him cornered. "If your 'friend' logic is correct, then you shouldn't care what I say about her. It's the same, right? If she's just your friend, like Duke, then I can say whatever I want about her, and you say nothing. Right?"

Heather took the silence as her victory. She hung up the phone, knowing he wouldn't call back this time. He was too defeated. This was their cycle. She didn't have to pout to get her way. That was for weak hoes with low IQs. She didn't have to flaunt her assets(though she did, just for the hell of it), and she didn't have to get on her knees to get what she wanted.

The truth of the matter was that she was smarter than men, and all she had to do was prove it from time to time. Times like tonight.

Was Braelyn a pretty girl? Absolutely. Was Jake attracted to her? Most definitely. In the perfect world, Jacob would be with someone like Braelyn. Someone who he had strong, true feelings for.

But in the competition of love, it wasn't who had the strongest feelings, but who played the best game. Heather was good at the game. She'd been playing it for three years now. Stringing Jake along, dangling him in front of wannabes, then picking him back up like a toy she didn't want anyone else playing with.

It might be wrong to play with hearts, but hell, it was fun. And Heather did it Just Because she could. Just Because no one could take her toy. Just Because no one could stop her.


Hey y'all!! What did y'all think of this chapter? Sorry, no Braelyn :( but she'll be back next chapter! What do y'all think of Duke? How about Heather in this chapter? How do you guys think she's shaping up as an antagonist? What do y'all think of Jake? There's more to him than just the "perfect son", as you'll see in future chapters. These first chapters are kinda meant to set the mood for what's going to happen with everything, so sorry if you think it isn't moving too quickly! All comments are welcome, even criticism! Also, I'm so happy y'all like the story so far!! I really appreciate the feedback! Keep it coming!(:

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