Chapter 18

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All Jake saw was red.

He didn't know what had control of his body, but he yanked Duke off of Braelyn, and proceeded to strike him.

"Jake, what are you doing?! Stop it!!"

Jake faintly heard Braelyn's pleas, but it couldn't stop him, nothing could.

"Jake, what the fuck are you doing?" Duke caught the blows, barely. He and Jake would always play fight when they had been younger, but now, Jake was serious. Duke caught his best friend by the wrists, and flipped him, pinning him to the flow.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Jake grunted through gritted teeth.

"Not until you cut the shit." Duke spoke in a strained voice.

Braelyn watched in horror, cover pulled over her naked body. Everything had happened so fast. She and Duke had been in the middle of having sex when out the corner of her eye she saw a glimpse of something standing in the door. She had thought it was her dad coming home early, but when she realized it was Jake, her horror turned into mortification.

"Get the fuck off me!" Jake yelled.

Duke got up, slowly, and very cautiously. He wouldn't be caught off guard again.

"Jake.." Braelyn didn't know what she wanted to say to him, but she knew she needed to say something, anything. "What are you doing here?"
"I broke up with Heather." He spoke, not taking his eyes away from Duke. There was so much hatred.
"And you thought that you could just come here and do what, exactly?" Braelyn challenged. "I thought we had said everything we needed to say earlier?"
Jake stood there, slightly stunned by the coldness of her words. It was time he looked at her. She was on the bed covering herself with her sheets. She had had sex, with Duke. Not him. "Was that really all you wanted to say?"
Braelyn looked confused. " What do you mean?"
"If I would've told you that I was going to leave Heather, what would you have said?"
Braelyn didn't say anything. She honestly had no idea what she would've said to him. But none of that mattered now. She didn't want him now. She had what she wanted. Duke. And she wasn't going to give him up for anyone.
"Jake, would you please leave?" Her voice didn't stutter, which was a surprise to her.
The look of hurt on his face almost brought her to tears. "Braelyn..."
"Jake, please," she forced herself to look him in the eyes. "You had so many chances. For this to be us. But you couldn't be the person we both wanted you to be. It's too late now."
He looked like he wanted to say something more. Wanted to do more. He wanted to fight for her. But she didn't want him to.
He decided to honor her wishes, leaving without another word.
Duke watched as Jake left, a combination of sympathy and guilt washing over him. He didn't know what to do.
"Are you ok?" He asked, looking back at Braelyn, who had a look of distress on her face.
She snapped out of it, giving him a faux smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Are you ok?"
Not really. He had just fought his best friend who had been there his entire life. "Yea, I'm fine."
A sadder smile replaced the fake one on her face. She pulled back the cover and patted the bed. "Come here "
He walked over to her, vaguely aware of the fact that he was butt fucking naked. Getting under the covers with her, he wrapped his body around hers. She was so warm, and soft. He loved her skin. She kissed his neck, then nestled into it.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked him.
He was thinking about her, how she made him immensely happy, but everything around him was coming to shit. He was thinking aboiht how he had probably lost the only person who had been there his entire life, for her.
"Nothing, just tired."
Braelyn heard the strain of his voice, and she knew he was lying. But she let it go, hoping he'd be ready to talk in the morning.
Hey y'all!! So this one is shorter, but I thought it would be best to put this part by itself. So, what do y'all think is going to happen with Duke and Braelyn? Can they make it? Did Duke choose a girl over his best friend? And what about Jake? Is he going to fall back into Heather's arms? Leave your comments, critiques and concerns! Oh, and the pic for this chapter is a fan art that I thought you all would like. I love it!! Oh, and thank you guys for voting, it makes me so happy!! Until next time, XOXOXOXOXO!!

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