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"So that's it, huh? You just going to walk away?" Braelyn shouted as she ran after Duke. There was no way she was leaving it like this.

"Yep." He said. Before he could get to his truck's door, she jumped in front of it.

He looked over her head. "Braelyn, move."

She shook her head. "No."



"Braelyn, move."

"Duke, no."

He let out a sigh of frustration. "I just want to smoke and go home."

Braelyn shrugged. "That's cool, let's smoke."

"By myself." He finally looked down at her, and she saw something sparkle in his eyes.

"I'm not moving," she said to him, becoming oddly aware of how close they were.  She realized in that moment that they hadn't even kissed yet. "I'm not going to let you walk away from me, from us.  You aren't quitting on me just yet."

"I can't do this." was all he said.  She saw it again.  That tiny flicker of vulnerability.  She knew that he had never let anyone see this side of him, and if she let him go right now, he might not ever let anyone see it again.

"Yes you can.  I know you can." She took  his face in her hand, the way that he had done moments ago, making him look down at her and really listen. "I'm sorry for what I did with Jake. I didn't know you cared about me, and I thought that he did.  I let myself mess up, because I thought that you were going to hurt me. I ended up hurting you, and for that, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Just let me in. Give me another chance."

Duke knew that he should just move her, he had the physical strength.  But right now, he looked down at her, and felt powerless against her. Pulling her in, he captured her lips with his, pressing her against his truck.

Braelyn let out a moan as her tongue danced with his. He trapped her between his body and the truck, and she didn't care. His hands roamed down to her ass, and his cupped it, deepening the kiss as he did it.  His mouth traveled from hers down her neck, kissing a sweet spot.

"Baby..." she moaned for him as he nibbled her earlobe. She hadn't realized how much she had wanted him until this moment. Needed his touch, craved it.

Duke pulled back suddenly.

"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned, and scared at what he might say.

"I want you, Braelyn. So bad. But first, I have to ask you something?"

A feeling of dread came over her.  He was going to ask about Jake again, she knew it.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

A wave of relief washed over her. "Yes! Of course I will!"

Leaping into his arm, she kissed him passionately. "Now, I have something to ask you."

It was his turn to look concerned. "What?"

"Do you want to spend the night with me?"

He didn't answer for a beat, and she thought he was going to say 'no'. "I do, but I don't want to rush this. I don't want you to think that I'm only with you because-"

Before he could continue the protest, she kissed him again. "I want you to stay with me, Duke. I want you. I don't want to wait. I trust you. Do you trust me?"


That was the only answer she needed from him.  If he trusted her, she would give him everything, because he had given her everything. She hopped down, taking his hand.

"Come on."


Duke left a trail of kisses on her naked stomach.  She reached behind he, unfastening her bra.  She wished that they had kept the lights in the room off.  She hadn't shaved in about two weeks.

"If I had known that this would be happening, I would've shaved-"

"Shh," He said, coming up to kiss her on the lips. "You're perfect."

And he meant it.  She was so beautiful, inside and out. He had been thinking about this day since the first time Jake had showed him her picture, but he had never expected to feel so much for this girl.  Reaching down, he slid a finger into her warmth.  She was so wet, and tight.

Braelyn moaned at the feeling.  She had never thought that this would feel so good. Being with him.  He slid another finger into her, and she clenched.

"Are you ok?" He stopped immediately, concern all over his face.

Braelyn bit her bottom lip. "I-I've just never done-"

"You've never had sex?" Duke asked, surprised that no one had ever tried to be with such a beautiful girl.

Embarrassed, she just shook her head.

"Then, why me?" He couldn't stop himself from asking. He had never been with a virgin.  The girls who wanted to have sex with him wanted to because they had heard that he was the best fuck.

Braelyn stroked his cheek before kissing him softly. "Because, I want you to be the one. I trust you."

Her words touched him. He kissed her deeply, passionately, until he felt all the breath expel from her mouth. He slowly thrust the two fingers inside her, capturing each moan with his mouth.

"Duke, I want  to feel you." She whispered to him, setting him on fire.

Reluctantly, he pulled back, unbuttoning his pants. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the gold wrapper. Taking his pants off, he put the condom on gingerly.

Repositioning himself onto her, he looked deeply into her eyes. "If you want to wait, we can wait."

"I don't wait to want, I want you."

He captured her mouth once more as he slid his tip into her.


"Do you think that this it? You can't give up on three years for some black bitch, Jacob!" Heather screamed.

"Heather, this has nothing to do with Braelyn, and you know it." Jake tried to keep a level head. "I've had it with your shit for the last time.  This is getting old."

Heather couldn't believe what she was hearing.  "So you think that's it? You can just break up with me, and I'm just going to let you go?"

Jake ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "You can do whatever you want to do, Heather. I don't give a fuck. I'm done with this bullshit, and I'm done with you."

He didn't wait to hear what she had to say as he left her house.  An immense weight felt as though it had been lifted from his heart, and he knew exactly who he wanted to tell about it.

He got into his truck, and dialed Braelyn's number.

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