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"Mommy! Mommy!" The little boy ran into the kitchen, big brown eyes on the brink of tears.

"What is it, baby?" Braelyn asked the child as she chopped the tomatoes for the salad.

"Euphie said that I was adopted! I don't even know what that means!"

"Aw, come here little LuLu." Braelyn bent down so that the five year old could wrap his arms around her neck. She picked him up and set him on the marble top while she continued to chop tomatoes. "You are not adopted, don't listen to your sister."

"What does 'adopted' mean." he asked, his big brown eyes questioning. He had his father's big browns.

"It means that you didn't come out of mommy's tummy." Braelyn answered, tossing the tomatoes into the bowl and putting a lid on it. She kissed her child's cheek. "But you did, mommy has the scars to prove it."

"Wie sagt man 'adopted' auf Deustch?" LuLu asked, still quizzical.

"Euphie! Get in here." Braelyn yelled, packing the pasta an a separate container.

"What?" The sixteen year old girl came into the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" Braelyn scolded, with stern voice.

"Ma'am?" The girl groaned, but she corrected herself immediately.

"How do you say adopted in German?" Braelyn asked her.

"Mom," Euphie whined, "you already know that."

"I know, but since you want to teach your brother new words tonight, teach him both english and german." Braelyn responded. "So, wie sagt man 'adopted'?"


LuLu laughed. "Du bist adoptiert, Euphie!"

"Yea, well, at least my name isn't Lelouch."

"Shut up!"

"Hey, hey," Braelyn broke it up, "enough of that. And I don't think you have any room to talk, Euphemia."

Euphie's cheeks burned. "Mom! You named me that monstrosity of a name, anyway."

"Actually, your father did that."

"What did I do?"

At the sound of his voice, the children's faces lit up. LuLu jumped from the counter, running to greet his father.

"Vati, Vati! Bist du adoptiert?" the child said as his father picked him up for a hello hug.

Duke looked over to Braelyn quizzically who only shook her head in feigned worry. "Ask your daughter."

"Why on earth would you name me Euphemia, dad?" she whined as she went over to hug him.

"Your mother and I got both of your names from a show we used to watch together." Duke answered as he went into the kitchen, both children on his arms. He leaned down to kiss his wife.

"My love." he greeted her.

"My heart." she greeted him.

"Ewwww." Euphie and LuLu said in unison.

Braelyn snapped at them, laughingly, "Have you gotten your overnight bags ready?"

"Yes, ma'am." they both said.

"Alright. Euphemia, you know the drill, right?" Duke spoke.

"Yea, dad." She answered, getting the spare keys from the bowl on the counter. "Take Lelouch to Kevin's for his sleepover, then I can go to the movies with Taylor and I can go to Dawn Rivers' to stay over. Nowhere else."

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