Chapter 8

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"I think 'Will You Still Me Tomorrow' by Amy Winehouse would work well. I'm just not sure for which scene, though." Braelyn yawned out. She looked at her phone. 8:45. She and Duke had been working on the project for four hours straight. Well, more like an hour, considering the other three were watching movies.

"What about 'The Scientist'?" Duke asked from his bed. Somewhere in the evening he had decided it was time to lie down, so he lay in his bed, head hanging from the end where Braelyn still sat in the beanie chair.

"Who's it by?" She asked him. Duke propped up, taking out his phone.

"Coldplay. Here, listen."

Braelyn closed her eyes as the soft piano intro played. "'Come up to meet you. Tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are...'"

"That's really pretty." She replied  smiling.

"Yea, it is." Duke muttered. Braelyn looked up at him to see that he was smiling also. But it wasn't his usual smile. Not the cocky, charming smile he always gave. This one was... warm, giving her butterflies.

Braelyn averted her eyes before she got lost in his. "I've got to go." She reached for her shoes, pulling them on.

"What's the rush? You got a hot date, or something?" the playful Duke was back. Braelyn snorted.

"Yea, the couch and I have been going at it heavy, but I'm having an affair with my DVR."

Duke laughed, rolling out of bed to stand in front of her. "Why don't you stay? We can get this done tonight."

Braelyn looked up at him. "Aren't you supposed to be studying with Jake?"

The image of Jake came to her mind. Strangely, she hadn't thought about him all while she'd hung out with Duke. How odd.

He shrugged. "We can always study tomorrow."

Braelyn paused, contemplating it. "No, no. It's late. I've got to go."

Grabbing her stuff, she left his room, starting down the stairs. She heard him following her, but she kept going.

"Fine." He jumped down the last few stairs, landing in front of her. "How about this: you come to my party tonight? Around 12?"

"12? Are you crazy?" She sputtered.

"What's the matter? Got curfew?" He challenged with a seductive smile.

"Well...." of course she had a curfew, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"How about you just come over, hang out a bit, meet some people. It'll be fun, I promise."

Braelyn had heard all about the Glenville parties. Rich white kids being reckless. Drinking and smoking, and having sex with each other. She hated to admit that she was curious as to if that was what really went on.

"Duke, I-" he cut her off.

"That sounds like you're turning me down." He placed his hands on his waist. "Now, I'm not letting you go until you say 'yes'."

"You know this is a form of kidnapping, right?" Braelyn fought off a smile.

"You drove yourself here." Duke scoffed. "Now, just say you'll be here."

Braelyn cocked her head to the side. "And what makes you think that I won't tell you 'yes' and lie?"

That brought a confused look to his face. "You'd never lie."

Braelyn protested. "I lie all the time!"

He shook his head, "You can't lie. You're too innocent. You'd be a horrible liar."

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