Chapter 2

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Braelyn hopped into Jacob's huge black pickup truck, not sure if she was dreaming, or if this was real life. Sitting in the passenger seat, she pinched herself. Yes, actually pinched herself.

'So this is really happening.' She thought to herself as Jake climbed into the truck. He held his phone up to his ear.

"-yea, I hear you, Dad. We'll be here. Alright, see you then." Ending the call, he turned to her. "So, slight change in plans. My dad wasn't at the shop, so he isn't in the tow truck. He does have a pair of jumpers, though, so he said he'd be headed towards this way in about 10 minutes, if you can wait?"

Braelyn nodded, trying to resist the pull of his baby blues. "Yea, that's totally fine."

"Alright, cool. Cool." Jake repeated, trying to fill the silence. "You like music?"

She laughed, "Yea, who doesn't?"

Jacob smiled, "What I meant was what kind of music do you like?"

Brae could feel her pulse quicken at the sight of his flawless smile. He had the cutest dimple in his right cheek. Everything about him was cute.

"I like anything really," she answered his question, pushing thoughts of his hotness from her mind, "Oh, except Pop, R&B, and country." She admitted.

His mouth fell open. "What?? Not Trey Songz? No Chris Brown?"

Braelyn shrugged. "Nah, not really. I mean, certain songs are good, but there aren't many."

"Shame." He shook his head. "So, what do you listen to?"

Braelyn always felt self conscious when people asked her this question. "Um, I'm mainly into chill stuff, like Kings of Leon."

Jake blinked at her as though he was surprised. "You like the Kings of Leon?"

She laughed, "Why is that so hard to believe, huh?"

"It isn't," he responded quickly, "I've just never really met a girl that likes them, that's all."


"Yea," he continued, "I saw them last summer in Memphis. I took my girlfriend, but she absolutely hated it."

"Girlfriend?" Braelyn found herself saying. She didn't know which was worse: the fact that she actually believed that this gorgeous boy was still on the market, or that the chemistry she thought they had was just a figment of her imagination. "Does she go here?"

"Yea," he nodded. "Her name's Heather, she's a cheerleader."

Of COURSE she was. Braelyn repressed the urge to roll her eyes. She wasn't sure how his girlfriend was, but around here, 'cheerleader' was synonymous with 'two-faced, skanky bitch'. "How long have y'all been together?"

Not that she was a homewrecker, but if they hadn't been together too long, then there was a chance that he could see that she was better for him.

"On and off for 3 years now."

Well, damn. "Awee! That's so cute! So y'all are high school sweethearts? How sweet!"

Braelyn put on her fakest smile, and preyed he didn't notice. She couldn't possibly try to get between them. She was a huge believer in fairytale romances, and always rooted for love. Even when it crushed her dreams. "So what else do you like?"



Jake laughed at the text Braelyn had just sent him. He never really like texting anyone, but she kept things interesting.

It had been a week since he'd helped her out in the parking lot that day, and they'd been talking ever since.

Braelyn wasn't like any girl, person, he'd ever met. She wasn't abrasive. She took an actual interest in the things he had to say. His likes and dislikes. She wanted to know HIM, not his social status. It was hard to find that around here, especially with who his family was. Town royalty. His great great grandfather Co-founded the town, so everyone knew who the Thomas' were. Both Jake's dad and older brother had led their sports teams to state championships when they were in high school, and it was expected of Jake to do the same.

Everyone expected something from him. Even Heather.

"Who's that you're texting?" Speak of the devil. Heather peered over his phone, her green eyes slanted.

"A friend of mine." Jake moved his phone slightly out of her view. He knew that it looked suspect, but a part of him didn't want Heather knowing about Braelyn. That was the reason he hadn't told her about the car incident a week ago. That, and the fact that Heather was insanely jealous of any girl who came within ten feet of him.

"Braelyn?" She spat the name. "Braelyn Carroll??"

"You know her?" Jake was surprised. Braelyn wasn't exactly the type to hang around Heather's clique.

"God no!!" Heather turned her nose upward. "She ranks so low on the social ladder there isn't a wrung for her. She's just a black bitch who thinks she's too cool for anyone."

"Don't talk about her like that," Jake barked, becoming protective of Braelyn. "Just because she doesn't want to be apart of your typical high school drama bullshit doesn't mean she thinks she's better than anyone. You don't know her."

"And neither do you!" Heather retorted. She let out an exasperated breath. "Look, I don't want to argue over a nobody with tacky fashion sense, ok? Let's drop it."

"That easily?" Jake couldn't help saying. He couldn't remember the last time they'd 'dropped' anything. Especially when it was about a girl.

Heather tossed her long, brown mane. "Yea, I mean, it isn't like she's a THREAT to me, or anything. I mean, I guess she's cute, if you like black, short, baldheaded, tacky girls. Clearly, you don't. So, what do I have to worry about?"

Jacob was absolutely speechless. "Heather..."

She looked at him innocently. "What? I'm just stating the facts. Now, are we going to watch this stupid movie, or continue to talk about Braelyn Carroll?"

Before he could reply, she turned up the volume on the TV.

Jake's mind was still spinning over what had just happened. He'd heard some pretty fowl shit come out of Heather's mouth before, but this.. Just an attack on the sweetest person he'd ever met, and for no reason..

"I have to go." he finally spoke, pushing himself off the couch, and headed for the door.

"Jake, what the hell?"

He barely heard Heather as he stormed out of her house.


Hey guys! I had a bit a trouble with this chapter. I got kinda caught up in thinking about what y'all would like and it threw me off a bit. Let me know what you think of everything. I love the comments! What do y'all think of Heather? Do y'all think the chapters are too short? Whatever it is, let me know! Thanks guys!(:

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