Chapter 11

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Jake pressed his body firmly against Braelyn, and she welcomed the embrace. She kissed him hungrily, as if she couldn't get enough of him.

Jake's hands roamed her body franticly, touching as much as he could, as fast as he could. They landed on Braelyn's ass, and he pushed her dress up to her stomach.

Instinctively, Braelyn wrapped her legs around his wais. He hoisted her with ease, pinning her body against the door.

Braelyn grabbed a handful of his hair. She let a moan escape her as he nibbled her bottom lip.

"Jake," she breathed into his ear as he made a trail of kisses down her neck. She could feel how hard he was as he pressed it against her center. Only his jeans and her thin underwear stood between them. Her underwear being completely ruined by now.

As if he were reading her mind, Jake moved one of his hands from her ass to between her legs. His hand was heavy with intent as they went inside her panties.

Braelyn felt her heart stop as he slipped one finger inside her.

"Oh, God!" She dug her nails into his back. "More." She groaned out.

Jake felt like he was about to burst. "Shit. You are so.. tight."

He moved his finger rhythmically inside her.

"Jake," she panted into his ear. "I want you. I want you." She repeated, nibbling his neck.

She was about to drive him over the brink. He wanted this girl. Needed this girl.

BAM, BAM, BAM!! "Cops are her! We gotta go, NOW!"

The interruption drowned their fantasy in ice cold reality.

They lay still against the door for a few beats. The hard thud of their hearts beat against each other's chests. Their breathing was heavy as a veil of awkward tension became palpable.

Slowly, Jake eased away from hers, allowing her time to put her feet on the ground.

Braelyn fixed herself up, pulling down her dress as Jake pretended to observe the toilet seat. They didn't look at each. They couldn't.

After a minute of awkward silence, Braelyn turned, opening the door. Jake followed her. They made their way from the now empty hallway into the living room.

In it stood Duke, along with Tatyana, and a few other kids. And the town police.

"Why don't you two come and join us?" The sheriff spoke, turning everyone's attention to them.

Even Duke's.


Hey guys!! Yea, I know, this chapter is SUPER short. But, I felt like the story should have this part in it, but it didn't really mesh too well with the idea of the next chapter, and I liked the cliffhanger of last chapter. Sooo, I made this mini-chapter. What did y'all think of it? Was it too sexual? Not sexual enough? Also, I'm thinking of starting a new story. Would y'all read it? Like always, leave your comments, criticisms, concerns! Until the next update! XOXOXOXO(:

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