I'm not dead

70 3 8

Melina P.O.V

I was having the same dream as before where I was drowning only this time I realized they weren't pushing me under they were trying to help me out. Only I was still being attacked at the end. I didn't understand why weren't they helping the other person, what was happening, and who the other person was. The dream ended at the same point as before, confused. I woke up passed out on the ground. I checked my phone which had 47% battery. It was 3:00pm, the next day. It was February 10th. I had a few messages from Wren. 1 from Sean and 4 from an unknown number.
Wren💬-Where the hell are you
Wren💬-Fine be a bitch and don't reply
Wren💬-Sorry about earlier just please show up tomorrow I know you weren't here today but come soon we miss you

I scoffed a bit at the last part. Who would miss me?

Sean💬- Hey what's up? Didn't see you today. Did you even come?
No dip Sherlock.
3016335428💬-Hey its Jack "Sean gave me your number"(I stole his phone lol he didn't even notice) so I could see if you were coming back from the bathroom like seriously
3016335428💬- Yo where is you were totally slacking without chu
3016335429💬- Hey Uhm are you busy. Kinda feel awkward texting you this late but Uh yea if your asleep that's okay but was Nvm I'll go
3016335428💬- okay dude I'm really scared now. Where are you? You need to come tomorrow. I'm usually pretty chill but I feel like you're dead or something. So please show up in worried.

He was worried? Is that the we wren was referring to? What was so urgent that he texted me at 4:00am the other day? Was he alright? I got dizzy from all the thinking and realized I was still outside. I found a big stick nearby and grabbed it with shaky hands. I used it to prop myself up with it. God you're so weak. It's like you're using a cane fatso. I walked slowly and shakily. I just had to get home then I could pass out and ignore school. I had no clue where I was but I found my way home after an hour of slow walking. When I got home I collapsed on the floor not bothering to go to the couch. I turned over so I was on my back. I was dizzy and weak and everything hurt. I crawled to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I chugged it quickly and grabbed another one drinking it slower. I slouched against the sink and leaned my head back against the cool marble. I dozed off for a while before I was awaken by the buzz of my phone at oh 1:00am. I looked down at it and frowned. It was Cindy. I thought she had deleted my number by now.
Cindy💬- Nice move you pulled yesterday. I don't care about you but Wren and Jack do so you better show up tomorrow or else your life will be even worse. No one hurts my boyfriend or my best friend. Do you understand?😡

I gulped. Which one was her boyfriend, never mind I didn't want to know. I was afraid of the answer. Once I had enough strength I got up and grabbed 7 water bottles carrying them in my arms to the couch and placed them on the table. "Should be enough for tomorrow" I mumbled to myself. I woke up at 12:00 the next day. Cindy is going to murder me I panicked. It was too late to go now. Besides my stomach was murdering me. It would be worth it in the end however. I groaned and rolled over on my side. My phone started to ring and I realized I was getting a call. It was Jack. "I should probably enter his contact information" I mumbled to myself. It took me a while to debate whether or not to pick up, when I finally decided to the phone went to voicemail. Before checking to see what he had to say I entered his information. "Hey, me and Sean are getting worried. Where are you? You better not bail on us for the project. We could seriously use some help. We're already slacking. Call back." I frowned a bit, they only wanted me back for the project, I should have figured. I'm not special so it was reasonable. I laid back and drew for a few hours before Sean called wanting to FaceTime. I picked up hesitantly and placed my thumb over the camera. "Hey" he said bored. "Hi" I replied worried. "Where where you" Jack said stealing the phone from Sean. I shook my head forgetting they couldn't see me. "This would be easier if we could see your face. It's kind of weird staring at a thumb" Jack frowned. I took it off slowly and shakily. They're going to judge you, they have reason to you know. I took a deep breath praying to God they didn't notice. "Thanks" Sean grinned. I nodded in agreement afraid to speak. "Why weren't you here today or yesterday" Sean asked. I wanted to say why. I really did, but I couldn't they shouldn't have to worry. "I don't know" my voice cracked. Jack nodded while Sean rolled his eyes. I heard another voice with them and gave a questioning look. The phone shook from being passed to one person to another. "Don't scare us like that" Wren glared once he came into view. I immediately covered my face by putting my thumb back over the camera. "Why do you always do that" he frowned. No one was happy with my right now, they were all mad and I was afraid. I didn't know what to do. "Give me the phone back dipshit" Jack growled snatching it from him. "He didn't mean that you did nothing wrong" he soothed shooting Wren a glare. "Sorry I've just been worried" Wren sighed. "It's okay" I squeaked. Don't cry, don't cry, don't fucking cry. "Are you alright?" Sean asked. "Yea I'm fine" I replied removing my thumb showing a realistic fake smile. "No you aren't" he frowned. "Where are you guys anyways" I asked avoiding the statement. "We're looking for you, so would you mind telling us where you are" Jack stated. I thought for a second, opened my mouth, then closed it. I shook my head as a reply. I grabbed a water bottle from off the table and chugged it due to unbearable stomach pains. "She's at home" Sean grinned nudging the boys. "Shit" I mumbled. The boys started running and hung up on me. I was too weak to get up so I didn't bother to try and leave before having to face them. My stomach burned with pain but I didn't care. It'd be worth it I kept telling myself. The boys got to my house half an hour after they hung up. They found me curled up on the couch crying in pain. When I heard the door swung open I wiped the tears from my face and managed to get them to stop flowing. I forced a smile on my face and sat up, earning a headache. "God you look like a zombie" Wren cringed. "I'm not dead" I replied. "Do you need help" Jack asked. Why was he so flipping worried about me there was no reason to be. "I'm fine" I replied shaking my head. I got up weakly leaning on the couch and headed to the bathroom using the wall as a support. I got in and clung on the door before closing it weakly. I fell to my knees and hung over the toilet. I hadn't eaten for days yet I felt like throwing up, so that's what I did. I threw up and stayed hovered and crying over the toilet. I had a splitting headache, my stomach was killing me, and I wanted alcohol. I had never drank any before surprisingly but I was craving it. Once I flushed and washed my face off I got out of there to be faced by three worried boys. "I'm fine" I repeated knowing I was far from it. They figured out it was a lie when my vision got foggy and I missed clutching the wall and fell hard to the ground. There was no use trying to stop the tears from flowing as I curled into a ball. "What do we do" the guys panicked. Sean pulled out his phone and dialed 911 in a panic. "Hello? Yes...My friend just collapsed... 1757 Stich road...Please hurry" Sean hastily said freaking out. Jack rushed over to my side and picked me up bridal style while Wren ran outside. "Put me down, no need to help" I mumbled groggily. He looked hurt by words and I felt horrible. "I'm sorry" I sighed. "Please don't you didn't do anything to hurt me. You need to stop feeling so horrible for living." he said shakily. Why was he so hurt by this, he shouldn't have been. "I'm nothing special" I sighed. "Yes you are, your life is so fucking precious and you don't realize the impact you have on people. You have three friends here willing to die for you" Jack replied. I felt his tears land on my forehead and wrapped my arms around his neck in a form of a hug. "I'm sorry" I mumbled into his chest. This made him cry more for some reason and I felt horrible, why did I hurt everyone I know. Was I really that horrible of a person. I pushed him away in an attempt to get him to let go of me but I was too weak to have an impact. He tightened his grip instead for his own comfort. It was decided, I was going to try to get him to open up and find out why he was so emotional. The ambulance arrived and the guys rode in the back with me not caring about cost right now. I felt horrible, no one should have to worry or take care of me. I let out a sigh before clutching my stomach in pain. This was going to be a long ride.

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