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Luke's Point of View

I felt like I had been hit by a truck, which considering what I had just done, wasn't as bad as it could have been. I could feel myself being lifted and carried off on something. I didn't know where exactly I was being taken. I tried to open my eyes but I felt like they were weighed down with lead. I tried moving but I felt paralyzed. I began to panic. I didn't know what was going on and I really hated the feeling of not being in control. Then again I hadn't been in control for a long time.

Had it all even been worth it? I let Kronos control me and nothing had changed. I had caused more chaos then I had helped everyone. So many of my friends had died and it was all my fault. Maybe being dead would be a better fate than having to face all of them.

Maybe I had died? No I couldn't be dead, I could hear something going on. I had seen the underworld and this darkness definitely wasn't it. I was being put down on something. A bed? It felt soft under me and I could tell that it was. I shivered. I was cold. I realized then that I was also shirtless. Considering I probably had blood all over it from where I had stabbed myself, this was better. I wish I could actually open my eyes to see where I was. Voices were coming towards me and I strained to hear something that would help me to realize what was happening.

"Is he alive?" A voice asked. It sounded like a girls voice. I felt like it was familiar but I couldn't give it a face or name. It sounded like one that I had maybe heard a long time ago. I didn't know for sure though. All the half-bloods I had been around had all sounded the same to me. It was probably just one from the battle.

"He's breathing, and his injuries are healed. He's not awake, but that could be because if everything that has happened in the last twelve hours. He needs rest," a second voice said. I could tell that this voice belonged to Chiron. I figured I must be in Camp Half-Blood in the Big House. At least now I knew where I was. How I got here was a mystery but at least I had a starting point.

"As long as he's okay that's what matters. I need to go now Chiron," the girls voice said. I heard a whooshing sound and figured she must be gone. It sounded odd how she left. I didn't hear a door open or anything. Then again I wasn't in a good position to actually take in all my surroundings.

I heard Chiron sigh. I felt a hand being laid on my shoulder. "You have no idea how lucky you are. That girl has gone through so much for you. If you can hear me, you owe that girl a lot." I had no idea what he was talking about. Maybe it was the one that had left. If I owed her though, I should remember her from somewhere.

With that I heard him leaving. I let the darkness that had been surrounded me envelop me and I was gone.

Authors Note
I know that this is a very short chapter but I wanted to get some thing up for you guys to all see. I hope everyone likes it. This is only my second story on here so any comments as well as votes would be great.

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