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Asmith's Point of View

I had done my duty. I finished the deal that I had struck with the Gods and yet I couldn't leave. After everything that I had witnessed, everything that I had gone through, every hit that I had taken, I couldn't have walked away from it like it had been for nothing. As I stood atop of Half-Blood Hill watching the celebration going on, I couldn't help but feel slightly envious of all the campers. Those who survived had each other. They had a family down there at the camp, and I, well I had no one. The family I once had didn't know who I was anymore. My father, Hades, was the only one I had left and that's not the kind of father who you can call and visit or see daily. I truly had no one.

"It's a lonely life the path you chose Asmith," I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned to see Chiron is his full centaur form coming towards me. "I didn't choose this path Chiron. It has always been fated for me to take this path," I said to him. I thought that since I had left him in the Big House with Luke that he wouldn't have followed me out here.

"Fate is a funny thing  Asmith. It seems to me, that fate can be changed. I've seen it before and it doesn't mean you couldn't do the same," he replied.

"You know I couldn't have changed anything. It was always Percy who would be the one of the prophecy. No one needs to know that there is another child of the big three who is older than Percy. The Gods gave me a deal. Sure my family, Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth don't know who I am but it doesn't matter. Annabeth has Percy. Thalia has her hunters and Luke. He will find someone eventually. I couldn't have had him even if I wanted to. Fate doesn't bend to my will Chiron you know that," I solemnly said as I looked down at the camp once more.

It was all true. I had sacrificed everything because I knew what the right thing was to do. No matter how much I hated everything that I did, it was all for the better. I knew I could have defeated Kronos. It had nothing to do with that fact. The only reason it couldn't have been me to take on Kronos was because the fates made it that was. Even though it could have been any other child of the big three it couldn't be me for some reason. I didn't know the reason, but I knew that I had a duty to sacrifice the life I could have had for another.

"Do you want them to remember you?" Chiron asked, interrupting my train of thought.

" I can't let them."I remarked. It couldn't work to make them all remember me. That required power that was beyond me.

"That's not what I asked Asmith," Chiron said sternly.

"I just want my Luke back. That's all I've ever wanted but I can't. He won't remember me. It would take something powerful to recover what was lost. Seeing me may clear some of the clouds but it will still be misty unless he wants to remember and clear the fog out."

"Then help him remember you if he means so much to you. I've seen you suffer so much Asmith. You've given everything to help everyone but yourself. Maybe you can have Luke back and if not then you know you tried." He finished and began to walk, or rather trot, back down to the camp.

I sat there atop the hill. I watched everyone below and thought of what Chiron had said me. Maybe I could have Luke back if only he could remember me. Maybe if I could just talk to him one last time before I left. If I saw something that signaled to me that he might remover me then I would stay. I sat a few minutes longer and thought of what to say. I felt a cold chill in the air and turned to see my little brother Nico de Angelo walking toward me.



"What are you still doing here?" He said coldly.

"Nice to see you to kid." I said back.

"Sorry I only meant that I thought you would be gone by now. I figured this must be hard for you so I thought you would have taken off already," he said. 

I laughed a little. "Is this sensitivity I see from the Ghost King himself?"

"Just general concern for a family member. It's better to be kind to family when they could be gone at any moment," he said solemnly. He knew, just like I did,how hard it was to lose family. To never get a final goodbye, for them to be gone and you to watch from the sidelines.

" So should I talk to him or leave?" I asked.

"The right thing for me to say is to leave and forget him. That however is not what I want you to do. You need him Asmith. I can tell by the sacrifices that you went through for him. Find him and make him remember. If he doesn't remember at least you know you tried."

I smiled a little. "Thanks Nico I really appreciate hearing that from you. Here go buy yourself a happy meal," I said as I threw a wad of ones at him.

"Thanks Asmith. You know how to find me if you need me." And with that he disappeared, probably shadow traveling to the nearest McDonald's.

I had made up my mind. I was going to see him. Just once before I left forever, if he didn't remember me. I walked down the hill and went behind the cabins looking for him as I walked. No one would notice me, I spent years hiding in plain site and this was no different.

Remembering Her (Luke Castellan and OC)Where stories live. Discover now