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Luke's Point of View

You can't escape me Luke. I'll always be here in the back of your mind. I'm waiting for you Luke. Tartarus cannot hold me forever. Kronos voice spoke to me. It sounded as cold as ice and and razor sharp,cutting across my skin like a thousand knives.

Leave me alone! I shouted back to him. You're dead, you are locked in the underworld. You cannot come back here for thousands of years!

I can haunt you Luke. For the rest of your life, you cannot escape me!

I awoke with a start sometime later and sat up. I looked around and saw that no one was around. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breathe. I was alive, I had killed Kronos and managed not to die. I had no idea how I did, but it thanked Zeus that I was. Someone or something had brought me back or rather not allowed me to die. For what purpose, I had no idea. It didn't matter though, I had a second chance and I planned on trying to do some thing right in my life for the first time. I looked around and saw a plain t shirt on the edge of the bed. I reached over and pulled it over. At least now I wouldn't be walking around shirtless. I saw a mirror and went over to look in it.

I was still the same me, but I felt so different inside. On the outside i was the same, same blonde hair, same blue eyes, same scar. If no one knew what I had done, it would only seem like I had grown up a little over the past couple years.  I had so much blood on my hands that I didn't think it could ever be washed away. I felt like I had robbed so many people of their lives. They could have had a good life, and yet I wanted to change things. I wanted the gods to actually be involved with their children. Now many of these gods would never be able to guide their children because they were dead.

I sighed and walked out of the Big House. I heard sounds of celebration going on outside. They had won a great battle and deserved to be celebrating. I knew that many of them were probably grieving as well over their lost brothers and sisters. I was sure that there would be a ceremony later for all those that had died. I opened the door and saw someone leaning against the railing of the house. They turned around and I realized who it was. Percy.

Before he could say anything I spoke first. "Look Percy, I know I have really no way to express how sorry I am for everything that I have done but I want you to know that I am. Whatever it takes for you to forgive me or at least tolerate me I would be willing to do."

"Luke I don't want an apology. I know why you did everything that you did. You were right in a sense, but your ideas on how to fix it were just misplaced. Trust me, I know how stubborn the Gods can be," he said.

"It was foolish of me to think that I could fix it. Now I bet the Gods won't want anything to do with anyone," I said.

"Actually I made a deal with them. They have to claim there children and even the minor Gods will start being recognized here. We don't want another war," he said. I was glad that Percy was able to do this. This is what was going to solve the problems that I had been trying to fix. I went I the wrong way about it, but now Percy fixed it. The Gods would have to involved somehow, even if it was only by claiming their children. It also would get rid of the problems with the Gods. They would all get the recognition that they deserved

"Are you serious?" I asked. I needed to be sure of what I had just heard

"Yes. And as for you apologizing and trying to make up for everything, just don't. I want you to help me with something though. A lot of half-bloods are going to start to be claimed and coming from everywhere across the country. I want you to help and find them and bring them here. I want you to train them and make sure they have the skills to survive," he told me.

"I can do that. Give me a few days to prepare and I'll be off," I said. This was it, my chance to make up, or at least try to make up for everything that I had done. I would be saving the lives of half-bloods all over the place and bring them here to train. Even if they were the sons and daughters of minor Gods, they would still be made aware of their lineage. That would be good for them, just to know about where they actually came from. They wouldn't grow up hating the fact that they had an absent mother or father like I had.

"Good," he said coming over and shaking my hand. "Now let's go celebrate a little. I mean we did take down Kronos. We could use a little relaxation. We are having a ceremony later for everyone that was killed in the battle. I don't know how you would feel about coming to that or not. It's up to you, I won't force you to go," he said. With that he led me off to go among the rest of the campers. For the first time in a long time I was glad to be here, but at the same time I was worried about what everyone would think of me.

They would think that I was a monster. I had done such horrible things. I had to put on a brave face though and act like I didn't care. I would be sad later when they burned shrouds for those who had died, because it was my fault. As for what people thought of me, I wouldn't care about. They could think what they wanted but I know what I did. I wasn't going to let others make me feel even worse than how I did. I would go down in camp history as a villain, but maybe by helping half-bloods I would be able to bring something good back to my name.

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