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Luke's Point of View

After she left I started walking back to camp. Talking here made me feel a lot lighter and not as down as I had been feeling before. As I walked back to camp all those feelings gradually started coming back. I knew I wouldn't be accepted back into the normal routine. It had been so long since I had even been back here that I didn't know if anything had changed or not.

It's only three days I thought to myself. After that you can leave and be on a quest.

I knew that I had a few things to take care of before I left. I needed supplies, money and a starting location. These half bloods could be all over the place. Some could be runaways like I was or some could have no idea of who they are like Percy was. I needed to consult the oracle on this before I could leave.

Three Days Later

I was ready to leave. I had some supplies but I knew I could get other stuff once I got out of here. I had my sword tucked at my side and the converse from my father in a bag. As I was packing I heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened it, only to be greeted by Annabeth.

We hadn't spoken at all over the past three days that I had been here. I had seen her around but she was always with Percy or her other friends. I didn't want to talk to here because of what had happened. I knew that we had gone through a lot together, and I also knew she had liked me since we were kids. I knew she had Percy now, but I still didn't want her to get any ideas.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," I replied back not knowing where this was going.

"So your leaving again?" She asked me and leaned against the doorway.

"Yeah, I have a quest to go on. I'll be coming back and forth a lot," I said to her.

"I know. I just came to say goodbye," she said.

"Uh okay? Well goodbye then I guess," I said not really. Sure what she was planning to do. She walked over to me and put her arms around me and hugged me.

"Be safe," she said to me and then let go.

"I will," I said and then walked away.

I finished packing and walked out the cabin. There weren't many people out right now, so at least I could go without a big scene. As I walked up the hill I saw Chiron standing there in full centaur form.

"There's one last thing I want to give you before you leave," he said. He handed me a rolled up scroll. "A prophecy about your quest."

I took it from him and unrolled it. I read it out loud,"The son of the messenger God.The daughter  of the underworld.Journey west to find the lost. Memories of the past. Ghost of those who have been lost.Two past two lives. One lost, one found."

"Good luck, son of Hermes. Let us know when you are journeying back," Chiron said. He began trot down the hill. I looked over the camp, thinking that I wouldn't be back for a while. I crossed over into the mortal world. I looked down the hill and saw a figure standing there waiting, with there back to me.

I walked down the hill and they turned around. It was Asmith.

"Took you long enough," she commented.

She was wearing dark jeans and turned up collared shirt. Her hair was pulled up into her hat which was some kind of old looking paper boy hat.

"You could have come up to the camp," I said being sassy back.

"Not my type of thing, you know that," she said.

"Well let's go do something that is your type of thing then," I said.

"Finding some young half bloods is not my thing. Fighting and stealing is," she said and walked aways a bit. I followed and we got to the highway. We kept walking and I saw a car in the distance parked on the side of the road.

"Get in," she said and walked to the driver side.

I did as she said. "Did you steal this?" I asked.

"Borrowing," she said with a sly grin.

"Dam, where have you been my whole life. You're exciting to be around," I said.

"I know. Now let's start  this quest or ours,"she said and we sped off.

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