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Asmith's Point of View

Before I could get us back to my apartment I heard a twig snap in the distance. I held my hand out signaling him to wait. He looked at me oddly as if trying to figure out what I was doing. I put my finger to my lips, signaling him to remain quiet. I strained my ears to here anything. I heard what sounded like movement but it was too faint to make out what it could be.

"Whatever you are, come out. Don't be a coward," I called out into nowhere.

"For the reputation you have, you sure seem to be behind," a girls voice said. I turned and saw a girl in ripped black jeans, brown weather beaten boots and a silver jacket. She had a bow slung over her shoulder, along with a shield at her side. Her short black hair was held with a silver grown type of thing. Her blue eyes showed bright and alive. It was my old friend Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus.

"Thalia," Luke said frame behind me. He walked past me and went over to her. He hugged her and she looked at me first before hugging him back.
"It's great to see you again," Luke said.

"Nice to see you too Luke. I imagine that you must be on a quest," Thalia said. She looked at me yet again and I didn't understand why. She shouldn't know who I was, but something in her gaze led me to believe that she might.

"Yes we are. I'm sure you've heard about the deal that went on after the battle. We are finding half-bloods, mostly runaways, and bringing them back to camp," Luke said to her.

I could tell by the way that Luke looked at her that his crush on her was still there. Although Thalia couldn't, or rather, wouldn't want to be with him due to her commitment to the huntresses, it in no way leased his affection for her. The affection was all an allusion however. When I had made the deal with the goddess, all affection and emotion elated to me had to be given to someone else. It couldn't just be forgotten, so all of the feelings Luke had towards me went to Thalia. 

"It looks like you and your friend could use some help. We have camp set up not very far from here. You are more than welcome to join us for the evening," Thalia invited.

"Thank you. I'm sure Asmith and I would enjoy resting for the night," Luke said before I could say anything.

"Hunters lead the way," Thalia called out. All the girls began walking back down the hill. One if the girls behind talking to Luke about weaponry and was distracted. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous, although I knew none of these girls would be interested in leaving the rest of their huntresses.

Thalia came back to me as I stayed walking in the back. "We need to talk," she said to me.

"You know a proper greeting start out with a hello. Not a demand for a talk," I said to her. She didn't remember me so I didn't know what kind of information I could give to her.

"Same old Asmith, I see your sass hasn't lessened in the years that we have been apart." She said to me. My eyes grew wide but I didn't stop or make any other noticeable change.

"I don't think that we have ever met before," I said to her, trying to come out as casual as I possibly could.

"Asmith Knight, you really think that I would forget you," she said. "This is what we need to talk about because I know how much you hate your last name. Your mortal name that your mother gave you," she said to me.

She knew me. There was no way that she could have known me. There had to have been something that the Gods did to her. "How?" I asked.

"All those emotions you gave me involving Luke, they were gone when I swore off men to join the hunters. With the emotions gone, the memories came back," she explained.

"So we both know what really happened then?" I asked her.
"Yes, we do. Luke however, doesn't. He doesn't remember you and I know all the feelings I had to Luke were yours. He is yours Asmith, but I don't know how you can get him to remember," she said.

"Neither do I," I said. We both looked ahead to see camp not to far away. We stopped at the edge of the ring of tents.

"You can stay here for the night like I said, but you need to leave in the morning. I don't know how seeing me will affect Luke but you need him back Asmith. Trust me, I know your emotions. I've had them. I've never felt a connection that strong. You'll find him again Asmith," she said and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you," I said. She nodded and walked away. 

I sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

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