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Asmith's Point of View

After dinner, one of the hunters helped me set up a tent

"You know, we are always happy to take in more girls," she said to me. She couldn't have been more than 13, but then again these girls don't age. She could have been order than me by a lot.

"I know, this kind if thing just isn't for me," she said to me.

"It's the boy isn't it?" She asked me. This girl just loved to pry at me or something.

"Well no, I have a lot of other things going on right now as well," I said to her.

"Fair enough," she said. We had finished putting the tent up by this point. She handed me two sleeping bags and sent me on my way. "Artemis won't approve of any of this, but we haven't heard from her in a long time. I certainly don't like the boy but we don't have enough supplies right now." What she said puzzled me for a moment and then I realized what she meant. Luke and I would have to share a tent.

"Oh no, we aren't like that. I swear. We are just on a quest together," I said feeling slightly awkward about this.

She didn't seem to care what I said and handed me the sleeping bags and walked away. Ask I walked back to the tents I could hear the sounds of the other hunters talking. I looked around expecting to see Thalia, directing them or explaining something, but couldn't see her around. Her tent was on the opposite end of the the circle of tents from mine, so I decided to see if she was in there.

As I approached the tent I could hear voices from inside. It was Luke and Thalia talking. Not wanting them to know that I was here, I crept around the backside of the tent and crouched down to listen.

"It's really nice of you to take us in for the night," I heard Luke say.
"Luke there's something that I want to talk about. It's about Asmith," she said to him. Dammit Thalia I though to myself. She wasn't supposed to tell Luke anything about me. She could mess up and say something that I had told him was different.

"What is it?" He asked her, his voice sounding concerned at this point.

"Do you have any feelings for her?" She asked him. I froze, holding my breathe waiting for an answer.

"What kind if feelings?" He asked.

"Feelings of any kind Luke," she said to him.

"Well she's a great girl, I mean I've only know her a short time,she is really nice," he said.

"Is that all?"

"Thalia, there's something you should know. I've actually had feelings for you for a long time. I've just never had the guts to tell you." My heart dropped, with those words. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. He was still in love with Thalia after all this time. Even though she was a huntress, and there was no way they could ever be together, he still confessed his true feelings for her.

I went back to the tent not wanting to hear anything more of what they had to say.

Luke's Point of View

"Luke you do realize that we could never work," Thalia said.

"Let me finish. I've had feelings for you, and I know I will always love you as a friend. The thing is, Asmith is a great person and I can't help but feel like I am actually starting to like her. But there is something that bothers me about her. I feel like I have met her before and I don't understand why I feel this way. I know for a fact that I have never met her. What do you think that means?" I asked her. All these feelings, and emotions had been swirling in my head since we left on the quest.

When I looked into her eyes just an hour ago, I felt something stir in my heart. An aching for her that I couldn't wrap my head around. The look in her eyes after, she looked hurt and sad and I couldn't understand why.

"Luke, I think that you need to talk to Asmith about what you are feeling," Thalia told me.

"And what happens if she doesn't like me or something like that," I asked her. If she didn't like me then the rest of the quest could be awkward. Then again there was no real guarantee that she would even stay with me. She could leave and never come back and I didn't know if I could handle her leaving so suddenly.

"That's a chance you have to take Luke. Would you rather go along and not know how she feels as well. If she feels the same then it could be great for the both of you," Thalia told me. I knew that she was right.

"I'm going to go talk to her. Thank you Thalia," I said as I stood up and hugged her.

I left the tent and went into the one at the opposite end of the circle. Asmith had set it up earlier and I assumed she'd be there. I stood outside the tent, contemplating exactly what I would say. Just say how you feel you dumb ass I thought to myself, trying to make myself go in. I took a deep breath and walked in. Here goes nothing.

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