Ranmaru Kurosaki x Reader ~ Rock On

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Authors note: It has been 4 months since I last updated, I am so very sorry! I am hoping to get requests done when I have free time, but lack of free time has kept me from completing anything lately, my sincerest apologies to all of you still reading and sending in requests. I appreciate everyone of you .

You stood in front of the large iron gates, the trees just beginning to obtain new growth due to the vast change in temperature that marked the beginning of spring. A worn bang strewn over your shoulder with one strap, holding all of your few possessions within; some notebooks, pencils, and a few changes of clothes. You had to take a deep breath as you continued forward as every corner of your mind tried to convince you otherwise. Any ounce of doubt you could possibly over analyze was attempting to overtake your wise senses, you questioned yourself as well as weather he'd even remember. But even if he didn't, it had been 7 years, maybe this would be the place to start anew, fulfilling your dream of composing rock music. You opened the doors of the large mansion like academy, mahogany all around and almost velvet looking carpets lining the flooring of the halls stunned you. Understanding that he was now a famous musician was already a lot to take in, yet now the full realization of what that entailed flooded you. Saotome was not how he wanted to be known, but hearing the music he worked on with his group said otherwise. After his multiple tragic disbanding experiences this place had taken him in, as well as his band members. So even if your trip here is of no importance to the man, at least you could thank the other three singers for taking care of and supporting him as if he were their own family member. You stepped around a corner and were caught by surprise as you spotted an idol walking towards you, long pink locks falling far down their back. They looked at you with their aqua blue eyes caught by surprise, "Hello there." They called and you smiled as they waived kindly, then after a moment put a finger under their chin in a questioning manner. "You don't seem familiar, are you a new student?" You recognized this person as Ringo, a famous idol known for his crossdressing and distinct voice.

"Hello, I am actually looking for a student here." You replied politely with a kind smile. Ringo perked up, obviously intrigued to be involved in anything, he must live off of drama...

"Eh, who exactly do you need to see?" Ringo leaned in a bit making you feel like a little child, you were taken aback by his sense of affection.

"I'm looking for Kurosaki, Ranmaru." You replied backing up a bit but Ringo grabbed your wrist with a small giggle.

"I'll lead the way! What's your name?" His pink hair bouncing around as he dragged you down the long halls with chandeliers.

"(Y/N)." You answered trying not to trip at his half skip/walk pace.

"I'm glad I ran into you, (y/n)-chan!" You were surprised at his use of a nickname and warm smile but you just grinned brightly back. Soon you arrived at a room that had a letter and number outside of its white door. It was either a recording room or practice studio but you could hear muffled music flooding into the hall. Ringo didn't even knock as he burst into the room with cheer. "Hi minna!~" Four heads turned to look at both of you away from their sheet music in hand, they had been rehearsing and you felt guilty for barging in on their practice. You recognized the three you hadn't met as the members of Quartet Night, and then you looked at Ranmaru. The spiky haired man was looking at you as if he had just seen a ghost from the past, well technically he had since that's what you were to him. The shocked expression made you unsure of his actual feelings of seeing you, so you stood there staring back unsure of what to do.

"Ringo-sensei, I don't understand why you and this woman had to interrupt our rehearsal." The long blonde haired Camus stated, his icy gaze shooting shards of glass in anger.

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