Teen!lock x Reader ~ School Dance

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“Grab some punch I’ll be back in a moment!” Your best friend called taking off with an eager dance partner as the slow song filled the stuffy air. You disliked dances, too many hormonal teenagers packed into a single room with loud noise, and to top it all off a necessary formal outfit. Might as well add the bow on top because this was a dance between a girl’s boarding school and their brother academy so partners had been ‘provided’.  Unluckily for you, the preparatory boarding school your parents had whisked you off to made them a requirement. You turned away the bowl of punch, who knows what could have ended up in it, currently leaving you standing by the refreshments table against the wall dying of boredom. You had lasted thus far by chatting with your friend but now it seemed they weren’t returning back to converse anytime soon. After standing against the wall with your arms crossed over your chest, you decided you could come up with a good enough excuse to ditch the dance, and that you could fool the teacher currently supervising. Fixing your formal attire you made your way across the floor beginning to change your demeanor half way there. You hunched over with a hand at your stomach, letting your hair mess a bit, and faked pain across your features. One of the other school’s teachers stood watching over the dancing students intensely.

            “Excuse me, erm sir?” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and looked to you. “May I run to the restroom? I’m not feeling that well.” You asked, lurching your hand over your stomach and making a false cringe.

            “There are restrooms right over there miss.” He pointed to the ones attached to the gymnasium. Crap, you hadn’t taken the time to look over your surroundings at this new school.

            “Anyway I could use one a bit more, private?” You pleaded trying to look like you were about to puke.

            “No, sorry miss but I will not allow anyone to leave this area, you aren’t the only one to pull this sort of charade so don’t find me a fool. Now why don’t you stand over there with that young man and discuss escape strategies, he tried the same thing.” Of course the one teacher supervising the event had to be the theatre director of the opposite school. You turned around and walked over to the far wall which was the least claustrophobic and only had one other person against it. Muttering some choice words under your breath you found a spot on the side you liked and stood against the white finish. You placed one of your feet against the wall and leaned back with your arms folded across your chest, letting a sigh of defeat leak from your mouth.

            “Brilliant acting, but your attire needed to be more ruffled, and maybe try a voice shift as well next time.” You heard a deep voice comment, causing you to turn to a taller boy with sharp cheekbones and dark curled hair. As he strode over easily using his long legs from where he was seated against the same wall, you looked into his striking blue eyes. “Plus, not repeating the same plan the person before you attempted would also heighten your chance of success.”

            “Yeah, well maybe it would have been less obvious that you were trying to ditch, if you hadn’t been a student attending at this academy.” You replied turning away from his eye contact and towards where your best friend was having the time of their life.

            “True, but it was worth a shot.” The baritone replied, causing you to turn back to him with a small smile.

            “Absolutely, anything beats this.” You retorted now taking a moment to look at his entire appearance. He was wearing a nicely fitting suit with a white toned button up shirt, though unlike most of the other boys in the room he was missing a tie or bow tie. “Care to hatch a strategy fellow escape artiste?” You asked him with a smirk. The young man gave you a grin showcasing his pearly white teeth and placed his hand out for you to shake.

            “Sherlock Holmes.” He stated awaiting your reply. You stood up straight, leaving the comfort of the wall behind, and accepted his handshake.

            “(Y/n).” Both of you grin and then he joins you in facing the crowd of students and lights. “So I’m thinking a public display of affection may distract the theatre teacher enough?” You questioned and waited for his reply hoping he’d agree with your idea.

            “Not bad, though we will need willing participants. Know anyone that enjoys getting into trouble?” Sherlock enquired as you both glanced over the mass of teenagers.

            “I may just have the right person.” Your smile grew. “Don’t mind a little acting do you?” He shook his head and you pulled him along grabbing his hand.

            “(F/n)!” You shouted over the loud music which was currently a showy mix of dubstep and techno. Your friend turned to you and stopped dancing, standing with a shocked expression before poking her partner and gesturing to where you were. (F/n)’s smile turned even more mischievous in an instant when they noticed Sherlock’s hand entwined with yours. You acted as awkward and clumsy as possible, letting a blush cover your cheeks, and scratching the back of your neck with your free hand. Your friend leaned in close enough so they could hear you over the loud noise. “Mind if erm,” You cleared your throat, “you, um, could you distract the teacher so that Sherlock and I can leave?” You motioned to the tall baritone standing directly behind you, still under your hand’s grasp. Your friend immediately wiggled their eyebrows and wrapped an arm around their partner.

            “It’s done.” (F/n)’s said with a large smirk and a wink. You quickly made your way off of the overly humid dance floor and towards the door nonchalantly. Glancing over your shoulder you saw (f/n) kissing her dance partner highly dramatically, and the teacher was running instantaneously.

            “You two, stop this instant! NO PDA!” He shouted barreling through the crowd of surprised students. You pulled Sherlock’s hand and dashed out of the gymnasium, running down the connecting hall, he quickly took the lead since this was his school.

            “This way!” The curly haired boy called pulling you around a corner and through a set of double doors. You immediately felt the cool night air rush into your lungs and slowed to a stop once hidden from any window’s sight. You giggled and Sherlock chuckled as well, though you did hope (f/n) wasn’t in too much trouble, it was really nice being outside and under the starry sky. Your heavy breathing died down and you found your way to a grassy patch and took a seat on the small hill that overlooked the sports complex and some woods. Sherlock soon joined you and you both sat in silence for a few moments looking up towards the moon.

            “I do think this is the best dance I’ve been to.” You commented, looking over to the baritone whose gaze now laid upon you.

            “Agreed.” Sherlock smiled, and you stared into his blue eyes with a grin upon your face. That, was most definitely worth, any of the rumors that may soon spread.

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