Moriarty x Reader - The Baker

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“That sweater vest has got to be originally his father’s, look at how he takes care of it but it’s still aged. Who keeps a sentimental sweater vest, especially a tacky one at that?” You finished the last batch of cupcakes for the day, the icing completely finished and adorned into various animals. One of the little blue sheep chatted with you as the customers filtered in and out, commenting a lot over a particular man’s sweater vest. The orange lion got annoyed by his jabbering at times though, commentating on his distaste for herd animals and quieting the others for a short moment. You liked your animal friends, they told you everything about the newly entering customers, and after talking with them you didn’t have to worry about sentiment issues. They would soon be in the belly of a happy customer and you wouldn’t have to deal with a long term friend relationship, you only liked one other person anyhow. Everyone was so boring and needy after initial contact. Once you’ve learned about a person there’s no reason to waste time talking or hanging out since you’ll gain nothing more. You waved at the sheep when a little girl picked him out, thinking he looked more scrumptious then the other creatures, and he said his final goodbyes. After a long day you began to close up your cupcake shop eagerly, the one person you liked planned on coming to take you out, which made you ecstatic. Just as you finished wiping the counter, the shop door opened causing the small bell to emit a little chime, you turned your head when a familiar voice said your name.

            “(Y/n), ready to go love?” The familiar docile Irish accent questioned making a smile spread across your features.

            “Mhmm let me close the shop!” You called gleefully from behind the counter, you took off your apron and grabbed your coat. “You’re walking with him again silly girl? What next, making cannibalists’ cupcakes” You glared at the bird on the painting by the door. “Oh hush up like you actually have a right to say that.” You retorted snappily and your date smiled. You walked out the door with him locking up and then he held your hand with a smirk. “How was your day?” You asked him as you both strolled down the street making your way to the park.

“Oh the usual, planning and supervising, though Sebastian did break his record.” Jim answered with a grin. Jim Moriarty was the only person you liked, because he liked you. He loved everything about you and your unpredictable personality, every moment anticipating what you would do or say next, you always surprised him. One moment you would be cheery and the next you would be infuriated so he was kept guessing every second. He found you intriguing and more fascinating than any other human being, he even complemented you once stating your higher ranking than the Sherlock Holmes in his grand scale of things. “What about you darling? Anything abnormal or interesting?” You frowned in thought at his question, thinking of the butterfly that had been nice to you right as its wing was chewed off, and it saddened you.

“I missed the opportunity at making a new friend for a little while, but nothing more. The shop hasn’t been any different lately.” You responded as he swung your entwined hands slightly at the pace of the stroll. “I think I may want a day this week, can I have one?” He puffed out his lip a little creating a pouty look.

“But I don’t want you getting hurt.” You rolled your eyes as you continued walking towards the waterfront park.

“I won’t get hurt, don’t patronize me.” You retorted a little harshly. Jim let out a sigh and nodded.

“Fine, you get a day.” He raised a finger for emphasis and looked to you. “One day only.” You giggled like a small toddler let on a sugar high.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You grinned and kissed his cheek. “Way to act like a four year old, I doubt he’ll like you if you act like a child, they’re so ignorant and dumb.” A nearby horse teased, it was placed on a car advertisement by the street as you walked by. “Shut up!” You shouted angrily as you were now ready to snap a neck. Jim looked at you a little more concerned, normally he just smiled at your outbursts but not today, today he looked genuinely worried.

“Have they been mean to you today love?” Jim questioned softly, you nodded silently and looked to the dirty sidewalk. “Is that why you want a day?” Instead of making eye contact with Jim when you replied with a yes, you focused on the lackadaisically thrown pieces of gum spread out across the pathway at random, you weren’t sure what his reaction would be. “Tomorrow can be your day then.”

You returned your gaze to him once you had both stopped beside the water with your arms leaned over the railing. “I don’t understand why they don’t like me today, usually we’re good friends…” You trailed off into thought releasing a small sigh.

“Well if another one says something rude or inconsiderate we can always torture them darling. I’ve got a desire to set something ablaze.” Jim stated with a glint in his eyes, he was always quick to retaliate, no matter what the situation.

“Alright, but I don’t want to scare the others.” You added slightly worried, he wrapped an arm around you reassuringly, his signature smirk playing at his lips.

“We won’t, besides after tomorrow they’ll be nicer, you’ll see.” He grinned and you couldn’t help but smile back. You trusted Jim and you knew he meant every word. “Awe the smiles returned, yay.” Jim added with a small wink and guilty smile.

“How could I not smile at you?” You replied happily and then out of nowhere gave him a kiss.

“Good questioned.” His soft voice remarked with a small chuckle, he re-gripped your hand and bought you back home as you grinned widely in bliss, this was your brilliant life.


Sorry it's so short! I always worry that I'll mess up Mori when I write him because he's a genius and I'm not. Hopefully this isn't too pitiful. Also if you got the lion reference, I love you. ~DrAnimeSherlockWolf

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