Mycroft x Reader ~ the Train Tragedy

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(Graphic Depictions Warning- like serious blood and guts)

(y/n) = your name (first)

(l/n) = your last name

            You had gone all out for this trip, all out, except for the train tickets which you had bargained for by inadequate means. Once on the train you wished you had spent the money for first class seating instead of on a nice hotel, it was not very comfortable seated on the bland wooden bench. The train itself wasn’t that large, two cars and the front engine but that didn’t really matter since there weren’t that many people on board. Currently you were traveling Europe on a short but much needed vacation, and at the moment you were on a train headed to your next stop. The picturesque scenes soon vanished as you headed into tunnels leading to the below ground station, another train would pass by once or twice since this next station was always busy. The dark walls of the tunnel are all you could see through the window, so you returned to attempting to nap since the lights in the car were already dimmed the entire trip. A loud earsplitting noise resonated through the tunnel and multiple screeches of metal on metal impacting sliced through the air as the entire train car shook violently. The lights went on and then flickered back out as metal kept smashing, a jolt sent you forward causing your cheek to get a deep gash as you flew over the bench in front of you. Your brain froze and adrenaline filled your body as you landed harshly, you let out a small cry at the surges of hurt that coursed through your veins. As soon as it had happened, the intense noises had stopped, but there was no screaming filling the car from the other passengers. Your entire body shook and you could only feel the deep cut on your cheek and an extremely sharp pain in your foot over the adrenaline. The lights came on causing you to wince at the bright light filling your eyes. Your ears rang violently as you took in intense sharp breaths trying to get a grasp on reality again, each breath of air drawing you closer to normality. Soon your vision became less blurred from the overload of your senses and you began to take in the sight around you in horror. You stood, almost falling back down when realizing that your foot was most definitely shattered, and looked around the car. Most of the people had flown forward breaking limbs, breaking limbs off. There were literally limbs on the floor. People were still not screaming or letting out cries in anguish, you went for your phone but there was no signal in the tunnel. You reassured yourself that the workers for the railroad would be sending help immediately, all crashes would get noticed as soon as they happen. Putting your phone away you bravely looked around the train car again. At the front of the car you spotted a gruesomely bloody scene where people had flown forward from their seats more intensely. It was something you would never be able to wipe from your mind, the blood splatter and the dented walls with bodies strewn everywhere. Running on adrenaline and instinct you rushed to those at the front brutally injured. A smaller petite woman was the first person you reached, you kneeled beside her about to attempt to wake her from unconsciousness but you soon realized her skull had been crushed. You checked her pulse, she was dead. After a moment of shock you quickly moved to the next person, they were dead too. You checked everyone around the entire car frantically, hoping you had someone to save or help you through this. But they were all dead. But they didn’t all die in the accident, it wasn’t possible, was it? Then it hit you like the train had just been, and you barely sat yourself on the bench closest to you. No one had talked on the train, these people were already dead. You had been on a train with dead people. You had been a complete idiot to not pay attention to your surroundings. Why, why were they already dead?! You began to panic even more, deciding that you should get out of the car in case it caught on fire or something else more drastic. That and you couldn’t take the people lying in unnatural positions with bones jutting from their torn flesh, oozing red liquid onto the already tainted and splatter covered floor. You broke open the door with a few kicks from your good foot, easier than you had expected since it got damaged in the crash much to your luck. And hopped from the car trying not to land where you would put pressure on you injured foot. You used the sides of the rail-car to hop along and off from the tracks as to not risk electrocution. Once to the tunnels wall you slid down the curved brickwork looking at the wreckage, it was devastating. You closed your eyes as the adrenaline began to filter out of your body, and the high no longer was distracting you from the pains in your own figure. You took a sharp intake of breath when you finally looked at your broken foot, your shoe was shredded in large chunks, and blood was trickling from it like a creek. You slid off your sweater, wincing at a pain in your side, one of your ribs was definitely messed up. After wrapping your foot carefully, and letting out a few whimpers in hurt while doing so, you sat closing your eyes again assessing the situation.

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