A Cumberbatched Fairytale (Part 1)

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The kingdom of Vaclav has been drawn into a large war, and your home town of Lubos is suffering. The war brought only crimes, famine, and poverty to your village, and with that took the hope of the townspeople away. The soldiers are malicious and use their power to receive their wishes instead of defending the innocent, and you've had enough. When you meet a kind soldier on a fateful night, will he be able to help you restore the hope of the people and bring Lumbos back to it's original beauty?

The sun glared down from the sky, showing no mercy to those it's watchful eyes saw below. The sounds of small carts being dragged through the grainy dirt and the small cries of a child could be heard through the town every so often. The town you called home, Lubos, in the once rich and prosperous kingdom called Vaclav. Once Lubos had been a city filled with bustling travelers with a large income from the trade market. No longer were there sounds of crowds moving through the streets, and no longer were there smiles upon the faces of those who lived and came into this place. The war, the large despicable war, had brought disease and taken the wealth. All men, any age had been drafted, your father being one of them. You were left to take care of your younger sister whom you swore to protect. She was one of the only things that would bring hope to your disheartened mind, every time she smiled you could only smile back. You both lived in a small boarded shelter, with an elderly woman by the name of Lina. Food wise, any scraps you could get went to the child, and then Lina. You were not weak, but definitely skinnier than any one should be, you were the last to eat the shares of the meal. As you worked hard to try and bring any form of income during the day, your younger sister stayed in the shelter and was taught by Lina. At a certain time of day each afternoon, the town's children were allowed to play in the streets, but only under the many watchful eyes of parents. For the war not only turned all people's hopes away, stealing their lives from them, it also brought soldiers to the town. The soldiers were to keep any spies from coming through this town on their way to the main city, as well as lower the horrid rates of crime. The only problem was most of these men were the reason there was so much corruption, they drank and ate anything they pleased from people's homes. They collected 'taxes' for them staying in the small village, abusing their power nonstop, and they did vile things to young woman.

You swore to your father, to not only protect Aneta your sister, but the village itself. He had been the last official elected by the people before the soldiers took charge, which left you to work in his place. But no longer did the people wish to attend town meetings, their hope had faded. The soldiers banned all meetings of the sorts, and even when attempting to set one in secrecy all the folk were too afraid to attend. After Aneta began to make up stories, of how one day a hero would stand up to the mean men, you decided you wouldn't wait. Every night after putting Aneta to bed, you went and pulled up a flooring board, one of the only ones left in the tiny home. Underneath that wooden plank, lay a double breasted coat with golden markings standing out from its black base. Beneath the coat lay two matching blades with their hilt, and with those sat the black mask you used to cover your face. You went upon the town in the moonlight, hair hidden by a tie, and face concealed behind the black mask. The coat hid any feminine features from your silhouette as you strode through the streets. You swore to protect the people of this town, and that's what you did. You stood as the person of Aneta's dreams, the now fabled 'Bandit of Lubos' whom stopped any form of wrong doing. Slowly you began to bring hope to the people, but it took time. In the day, working in the small shop dusting and sweeping you would hear the stories of how burglars were stopped or how a damsel was saved from a nasty fate. Though not long after you began Lina noticed, and when you came home with cuts and wounds she would clean them, always saying that this was not worth your life. You thought it was, Aneta's and the townspeople's hope was worth every moment of it.

Tonight you came home from the shop, holding a cloth and bowl that you used to transport the dinner. You were paid in food, as for there was little money, and you wished that when you began your job there. You noticed earlier today that even more soldiers had moved into town, camping in the buildings next to the main tavern. Rumors spread that the war was expanding, and that they were hear because there may be attacks in the area soon. You entered the small shelter, moving a cloth out of your way that stood in place of a wooden door.

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