Blind!Reader x Benedict Cumberbatch

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Blind in a Bookstore.

(y/n)= your name

(f/n)= friend's name

You listened to the familiar hushed noises surrounding you as you entered the atmosphere of the little bookshop you’d fallen in love with. Walking the same route you always take with ease, you reached the table that you claimed every time you visited the lovely store. Your best friend, (f/n) met up with you every Sunday to chat and catch up there, mostly she just worried for your wellbeing and wanted to check up on you, yet you enjoyed her company no less. You tapped your stick against where she normally sat her bag, and felt it bounce off, usually she’d start the conversation so you knew she was there but today (f/n) must have been immersed in her novel. Before waiting for a response you sat yourself in a chair and leaned your cane beside you.

            “What novel this time? Don’t tell me you’re still reading that horrid romantic comedy. Books don’t get much worse than that, (f/n).” You stated in attempt to catch her attention but to your surprise a deep chuckle filled your ears from the seat across from yours.

            “Actually it happens to be Shakespeare, and I believe you have the wrong person, sorry darling.” A man replied kindly, though his soothing voice sounded oddly familiar, maybe he was a regular customer here as well. His voice was highly distinct though, and you would remember someone like him usually. A blush flooded across your cheeks as you stood quickly, grabbing your white cane.

            “I am so sorry to disturb you sir! I thought you were someone else, apologies!” You hurriedly replied still red in embarrassment. It was then that he fully noticed your condition, and you turned to walk off quickly to a different area in the shop.

            “Wait, um miss-” You turned back to where you heard his voice coming from, and at times you would frighten people with your ability to look exactly where they stood. Though your eyes never quite made direct contact with theirs. You heard a chair squeak a little, and assumed he had stood. “Would you like some help finding your friend?” You thought for a moment, and kept yourself from snapping a ‘no’ back at him rudely. Most people thought you were helpless, always needing to be guided, always needing to be led around like a stray puppy dog, you hated it. But his offer could prove useful since (f/n) had seemingly gotten distracted, and he was just trying to be polite.

            “That would be quite nice actually.” You admit and hear him walk over towards you, the whooshing of movements were caught by your highly sensitive ears, and you heard him stand next to you. He gently hooked one of your arms in his, and began to lead you slowly from the table. You were weary of each move he made, for all you know he could’ve been some weird psychopath, but knowing the layout of the store you could tell if he began to lead you away. “Thank you.” You told him sincerely as you both went towards the vast amount of shelves inside the building.

            “What does your friend look like?” The man asked and you went into a description of what your best friend’s appearance was as he glanced at all the customers around the store. While you both wandered around the place you decided to at least attempt sparking up some sort of conversation.

            “Which Shakespeare book were you reading?” You inquired as you both slowly strode through the vast amount of stories.

            “Titus Andronicus. I’ve read the play before, but needed to brush up on it.” He replied. You grinned and began reciting your favorite lines from it before thinking twice, you always loved Shakespeare, and you had performed as Tamora once.

“Have I not reason, think you, to look pale?

These two have ticed me hither to this place,

A barren detested vale you see it is;

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