Bucky Barnes x Reader ~Lone Wolf

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Warnings: Violence and vulgarities

Fury had called everyone staying in the complex for a briefing on something new and major. None of the Avengers knew what was happening, even Natasha, which caused them to rush to the boardroom and take a seat.

"Where's Stark?" Steve questioned as everyone except the Iron Man sat at the large table.

"You'll find out in a moment, take a seat Captain." Fury stated in an impatient manner, the one eyed man always seemed out of breath. Steve sat beside Bucky, the most recent recruit, as Fury began the debriefing.

"You all have a new team member and starting today they will be residing in the tower. They will train with you and work with you, and I expect that you all get along." Fury stated this looking towards a few select individuals before turning to pace once more.

"Damn we just keep on multiplying." Sam remarked, looking to Bucky before turning back to Fury.

The one eyed man rolled his eye before continuing, "Anyhow, I know some of you are familiar with mutants. Such as the X-Men," Fury tossed a file folder which slid open across the table revealing photos, "whom are genetically different than normal humans."

"Are you saying we're getting one of Xavier's?" Natasha stated with a questioning glance at Fury.

"Wait, hold on you're saying they're genetically altered?" Steve asked in confusion as to who these 'X-Men' even were in the first place.

"Born that way, usually." Clint added in attempt to get everyone up to speed.

"Anyways, we all know that Bucky was taken by Hydra to become one of their Winter Soldiers and this new member has been re-integrated like him." Fury continued on, this caused Barnes to tense and Wanda to glance his way. "They created a Winter Soldier so to speak, but used her mutant abilities to enhance what they had already perfected. Unlike keeping her simply mutated like with Wanda, they went that extra mile." Fury looked to Bucky before pacing once more. "Except we destroyed their 'perfection' with Barnes' re-integration. She's already gone through the mental process, no more Winter Soldier programming and commands."

"What exactly were her abilities?" Vision inquired now aware this woman had to have been a remarkable threat.

"That's for you to find out, in your getting to know you process." Fury replied shaking his question off. "I expect you all to take good care of her, also understand she has never lived what we see as a 'normal life'. Unlike Bucky, she was taken from home at a young age so she's never experienced friendship and all that corny shit. Don't get in a fight and play nice kids." The one eyed man looked at the device on his wrist and pressed the communicator. "Bring her down Stark." With that Fury left and quickly made his way out of the building. After a few moments of the Avengers glancing around at each other in uncertainty the door opened revealing you and Tony.

"I have a new best friend guys, (y/n) apparently has a fantastic taste in music unlike all of you." Tony's fuchsia words made the entire room turn towards you. You matched the colors you had seen in the hallways to their rightful owners, and you held in your amusement at Steve's navy aura. You stated hello barely above a whisper and shifted your gaze aside, you felt their intense stares. The stupid uniform Fury's minions had put you in also wasn't helping the situation. It just had to be short sleeve, and right now it was giving them a good glance at your scar tissue covered skin. "Jeez she's not some zoo animal, be civilized people and introduce yourselves. I'm getting more coffee." Tony swirled the spoon around his empty mug as he strolled out of the boardroom. Steve cleared his throat and eventually everyone introduced themselves, you couldn't help but glance at the arm of the Winter Soldier. It reminded you of your previous 'home' all too much and you attempted to keep a calm demeanor as the man glanced at you.

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