Roy Walker x Reader

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This absolutely does not do my favorite film justice, I just needed to get The Fall out of my system for a bit. Hence the reason this is just a short little piece, I wish I could write something a little more in depth and long but for now this will have to do.  (Seriously almost every month I get all emotional about this film, it’s really abnormal and a bit frightening…I believe I love the film a little too much…) 

        You could see it when he thought others weren’t looking, when he was off to the side drinking water or when he was seated between shots. The familiar look you knew much too well was in his eyes, attempting to shine through but almost completely hidden by a veil of falsities. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak to him, yet you felt a connection through that one shared emotion. Speaking with a stranger on such a personal level in your first conversation with them would be inconsiderate and would only scare them, so you decided to just stay mute near him. You didn’t want to scare this man away, he already seemed more delicate than an unfired pot, almost prepared for an unannounced scorching.

        You stroked the mane of Sterling, a dapple grey gelding that was playing a large part in the current scene. It was a Western film so multiple stunt doubles and horses were necessary. You were a horse wrangler and caretaker, though you could also be a stunt rider with your talents. But sadly they, the production managers and others, would never allow it. Their reasons being that you were of the female gender and it was more suited for you. It sickened you that this was their pathetic excuse but for some reason you still worked with these men. You supposed it was your passion for not only riding but the intense curiosity in how films were created. The assistant director shouted and everyone moved back to their initial places, you took Sterling off camera so he could be ponied once more during the pan shot being made. “(Y/n)!” One of the set workers called causing you to quickly look to them. “He wants that horse over here!” The man’s thick American accent broke through the sounds of the bustling set. You quickly made your way to him, dodging moving pieces and horse drawn wagons on your way. “He wants Roy to ride him that quarter mare is too dark apparently with the lighting and contrast, and she looks like a moving ink blob!” You nodded in understanding as you fixed Sterling’s former lead rope into proper reins. “Hurry up woman!” The man shouted rudely as he made his way back towards the camera man stationed nearby. You looked to the right to see if you could figure out who this Roy was, you’d never been introduce, which now made the task at hand more tedious.

            “You know, you seem to put up with a lot around here.” A voice stated to your left that almost startled you onto Sterling’s back. You turned to see him, and you smiled kindly as a greeting.

            “It’s nothing, I really enjoy working on this set, so anything is worth spending time here.” You told him happily, you stroked Sterling’s mane and placed the reins over his neck. “Ready to ride?” You asked Roy and he nodded, going to place a foot into the stirrup.

            “I’m sorry to have to ask this, but could you give me a leg up?” He seemed rather embarrassed due to his condition, but you didn’t think it was anything to be so ashamed of. You simply smiled and nodded bending down to help him.

            “No problem.” You stated before counting down and partially lifting him onto the horses back from his foot and leg. You then made sure he had the reins and that the girth was tight enough. “All set.” You said with a small grin and he smiled back.

            “Thank you…uh?” Roy paused asking you for your name.

            “Oh sorry! My name is (y/n), pleasure to meet you.” You blushed a little embarrassed you hadn’t fully introduced yourself.

            “Thanks (y/n).” He replied with a grin, brunette hair shaggy, placed here and there as he looked towards the set. “Best be off, see you after the shots.” You nodded and gave him a wave before returning towards your place to the side.

One of these days you would be able to talk to him about it…one day you would help him cross the difficulty. But until then, you could only treat him with the kindness and respect he deeply deserves.

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