The Facts Were These (Ned x Reader)

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Our story begins when the fervent writer of captivating novels (y/n), aged 27 years 13 hours, 45 minutes, and 23 seconds came upon our favorite pie maker’s path once again when stepping into the Pie Hole’s front doors a dreary evening that ended a chilly day. In her limited edition military grade messenger bag the overused computer that held all of her life’s work she cared to keep lay, as she seated herself by the window nestled beside a comfortable booth.

            Unknown to the blonde waitress approaching her table, the high aspiring author was in a terribly horrid mood. Hoping a familiar warm homemade fruit pie and a fresh brewed coffee would pull her from her unhappy daze, she decided to eat at the Pie Hole for the first time in a long while.

            “What can I get you sweetheart?”  The petite Olive Snook asked looking at her notepad and not her former best friend. She wore the green dress that seemed to work as a uniform that day just like most other days when at the shop with our favorite pie maker.

            “A small cappuccino and a slice of blueberry pie please.” The author replied holding a smug smirk across her lips, finding the blondes inability to recognize her exceedingly entertaining.

              “Funny. I used to have a friend that always ordered the exact same thing.” Olive commented finally lifting her gaze from her Inked brand five point pen’s tip. It was then on that dreary evening that followed a chilly day, when the ex-jockey and good friend of (y/n) realized that the woman directly in front of her was the exact woman she spoke of. “(Y/N)?!” The exuberant Olive Snook squealed in delight pulling the writer into a tight hug, the hug was to make up for the time spent apart from each other. Little did (y/n) know but a certain pie maker was also in the shop late this day and had been startled from the kitchen with the blondes loud shriek.

“Olive? Everything okay?” The pie maker called with a defensive rolling pin in hand entering the floor from behind the large counter. On the other side of the room the worn out author let out a small sigh as the blonde battered her with numerous questions which really didn’t make any sense.

“Calm down Olive, I’m back so it’s all okay. Everything’s fine, I’m fine, and hopefully everything here is fine.” The writer reassured the wound up waitress and with that she sat across from the author quickly.

“Tell me everything, I want to know all the details, every snippet.” The blonde replied nodding. “Actually first let me go grab that coffee and pie, this could take a while.” Before the author even had time to reply, the excited Olive Snook took off to retrieve the goods. In a split second the blonde waitress was back in a flash placing a slice of blueberry pie and a slightly spilled coffee in front of (y/n).

“Well there isn’t really much to say, other than the fact that I’m back for a while.” The author told Olive taking a sip of her messy coffee, a smile that held a hint of sadness on her lips.

“That’s great! I’m so happy you’re here! I missed you!” The blonde replied brightly, the emotion of happiness and relief across her features.

“They cancelled the publishing, a last minute author whose writing is far better than mine had their book placed in my spot.” (y/n) added not meeting Olive’s eyes. Ned had just made it over to the table with a bright smile across his face, but when hearing this both him and Olive’s glee turned to gloom.

“Oh.” Both of them replied to the writer quietly and shocked, not sure what to make of the situation.

“So I’m here to stay, at least for now. Maybe another company will like my story, but I doubt it.” (y/n) told them solemnly, looking out at the now rainy landscape outside of the Pie Hole’s windows.

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