High School!Andy Biersack x Reader

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You were leaving lunch and headed to your favorite place at school to relax. You turned the corner and walked down the hallway as the loudness of the crowd began to filter away, turning another corner you headed towards the end of the hall. It was silent, as usual, since no one came over in this area of the school. You had found this place one day when you had gotten tired of the bullying and annoyance of classmates, and since have hung out beneath the quiet stairwell with headphones on a regular basis. But today, something was off, you could tell as the sole of your shoes hit the linoleum flooring beneath it. Your footsteps were not the only resounding noise through the area. As you silently approached the small closet like space, you could hear a sound of distinct sobs. You turned the corner and spotted the new kid, his raven hair disheveled and his bright blue eyes wet from crying. There were obvious signs he had gotten into a full out fight, a slight hint of blood beneath his nose. When he arrived they stopped torturing you as much as they had before, using him as their main target now, fresh meat to tear up you supposed. He looked up at you, neither of you had spoken to each other yet, even though it was almost three weeks of his being here. You went and silently sat near him, both of your backs against the cold painted brick wall. "The hell do you want?" He stated bitterly in a braking voice, clearly not appreciating another's presence at the moment. Not saying hi but still acknowledging his presence you unzipped your book bag. You pulled out a pouch of tissues as well as a candy bar you had been saving for a rainy day, and by the looks of it someone had definitely made his day horrid. You placed it beside him without a word, standing after quickly zipping up your bag once again. He looked like he was about to say something, but nothing left his mouth before you were gone, leaving him beneath the silent stairs. You strode down the hallway quickly, trying to conceal the rage that was slowly building up since you knew exactly who had done this. After a little while of searching the hallways, you found the guy you were looking for outside by one of the benches. He spotted you about to make some sort of quip, but before anything could roll off the tip of his tongue, you had him pinned to the school's brick wall behind. "How miserable is your own life, that you get enjoyment out of beating up others? What gives you the right?!" You snarled, keeping from letting out your rage, the boy before you was Devin. A guy that had made your life at school a living hell for years until one day you finally stood up for yourself and punched back.

"Did you come here to defend your new boyfriend?" He scoffed and joked but you didn't budge my grip at the collar of his shirt.

"Boyfriend or not it doesn't matter, I'm here because I have basic morals you ass." You replied, still keeping your calm. "Stop. Picking. On. Him." Your tone was deadly, soft spoken yet meaningfully harsh.

"So what if I do? What does it have to do with you (y/n)?" He said as you slowly released your grip.

"I will beat your ass like I have before. And this time I won't go fucking easy." You sharply retorted this as he finally seemed to flinch at the remembrance of your past meeting.

"Fine." He muttered though you knew it was insincere, he was going to return to his old habits soon. You just wished you knew what actually happened to the new kid, he must hate it here at this school if that's his first impression.

It was once again after lunch and you headed to your quiet spot, one of the girls had been completely rude to you today and all you wanted was to submerse yourself in music. To your disbelief someone was actually in the piano practice room, which never happened, this caused you to fall into an even more bitter mood. Your footsteps resonated on the linoleum flooring once more, as you headed to the darker and even more deathly silent corner. You stopped instantaneously when you hear something for a moment from the spot, damn did this guy really decide to take over my hang out? You were not happy to say the least, but you decided you would make a point by going and taking a seat even if needing to dismiss his presence. With a sigh you walked over, bending down and taking a seat. You didn't look up as you pulled your headphones from your backpack until you felt someone's intense gaze on you. You looked up, finally taking in his full appearance. He had a lip piercing, his dark hair bringing out his light azure eyes, and he wore dark jeans with black shoes.

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