*~Chapter 1~*

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Hey guys! This is my first fan fiction ever so i hope you enjoy! :] <3

Stockholm syndrome
feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor.

Will woke up, his head was spinning and the room was mainly dark, sun struggled to shine through the singular barred window that was placed above his head. He looked around the dimly lit room and rubbed his eyes until his vision finally adjusted back to normal, there was little drawings in the room; they were obviously drawn by a young child, it was actually pretty clear as it was a stick figure drawing of a man and a little girl having a tea party etc.

Will looked around, confused is all that flooded his brain until he looked down at what his body was placed on, he was in an adult sized baby crib dressed in a little pink skin tight flowery dress and white high knee socks that had little pink bows hanging down the side of his legs. His bowl cut was no more, instead, it was arranged in two tiny pig tails with little pink bows to match the dress, his fringe was still intact but worst of all...

Will was wearing a diaper.

The door opened slowly to reveal a curly headed man, he was tall and wore a nicely fitted white shirt, a black tie and black dress trousers. At the sight of Will, instantly the man spoke, he was gentle yet cheerful when approaching Will. "Good morning my baby!" He cooed as he walked over with open arms to embrace Will, but Will immediately pushed him away.

"Get away!" He panicked, climbing out of the crib as quickly as he could. But it was no use, the man was as fast as lightening.

"Oh baby, that language is very dirty." The mysterious man warned softly, "Little darlings like you should never use language like that, its not polite." He smiled lifting Will into his arms, but Will struggled to free himself from his grasp.

"Let me go! I don't know what type of kink this is but I have to go home!" He panicked as he tried to get out of the mans arms rapidly, "One night stands don't last forever you know?"

The tall, strong, curly headed man laughed ever so slightly "Oh baby." He smiled stroking Will's bows on his socks "You're staying with me now! You're such a pretty doll, would you like me to call you doll from now on?" He asked looking into Will's eyes.

Will cringed at the mans words, why was this happening to him? He thought stuff like this only happened in the movies when the weird guy would kidnap the normal person just trying to live their life. Will finally freed himself out of the mans grasp and stepped dangerously away from him, "Don't come near me, don't touch me please just leave me alone, I wont tell anyone about this just let me go home." He pleaded, still panicking.

The tall man laughed humourlessly, "I'm your daddy now doll! How could I possibly let you go?" He asked taking a step forward which made Will startle backwards.

"Don't come near me!" Will warned as he raised his voice. What the actual fuck was happening to him?

"How about I come back in a half an hour after you've had a little bit of time out huh?" He smiled "Then we can have a nice big talk doll, how does that sound?" He asked ever so sweetly.

"Yeah whatever just get out and leave me alone." Will whispered as he took a deep breath while watching the man leave.

"Gross.." Will whispered as he felt the diaper on him. Why was he, a full grown man, dressed as a baby? Not even a baby, a baby girl out of all things? So many thoughts were spiralling through his head, he looked in the crib to find his favourite stuffed animal from his childhood days, how does one even find this ancient stuffed animal that was in his mothers attic? It was at this moment when Will started to get even more freaked out, if this stuffed animal was at his mothers and now its here, that means they were at his moms house. What if they hurt her? Did they kill her? Take her hostage too? All these thoughts swirled through his head intensely, his poor mother had already been through so much, he didn't want this to burden her even more. That's when he began to sob.

And sob..

And sob...


Exactly half an hour later the man came back, "I'm here doll." He said walking in and shutting the door then making is way over to Will "Oh no... I didn't want to come in here and see tears." He whispered as he took Will's face into his hands so gently and stroked the tears away.

"D-don't touch me." Will whimpered trying to pull his face away but the man tightened his grip.

"I am your daddy, I can touch you all I want." He warned dangerously, Will sobbed quietly.

"Are you hungry doll?" The man asked lifting Will into his arms and cradling him, Will nodded hesitantly and cringed at himself for agreeing.

"Perfect doll, perfect." He smiled taking Will to the kitchen and setting him in the adult sized high chair.

Will slipped into it perfectly which brought a smile to the curly headed mans face, even though Will was short and skinny, the man planned to have him looking like a beautiful porcelain doll.

Will hated that this pleased his man-napper. Frowning, he looked at him brining over the food; it was a plate that held some sort of grey substance, there wasn't a large amount of it. Thank God, Will thought to himself, he knew that eating this would cause pain to his tastebuds.

His eyes widened so quickly when the man started scooping up food onto a baby spoon, "There's no way." Will laughed "I can feed myself perfectly fine." He protested as he avoided the spoon being inserted into his mouth.

The man sighed "You're just a doll, daddy's have to feed their dolls." He smiled passive aggressively.

Will saw the mans rising anger, he immediately obeyed his 'daddy' and gagged a little at the food "I'm fucking twenty one and you're feeding me pure dog shit!" He shouted trying to get out of the high chair.

"Language!" The man shouted, his face growing red, Will looked at him with no regrets, he was gonna die here anyway so why not speed it up? "You no longer have an age, you are my doll and that's it." The tall man remarked, obviously annoyed.

"Fuck off, I'm not eating this." Will sighed throwing the food on the floor and getting out of the high chair, but the man grabbed him aggressively.

"Don't even try." He growled lowly, gripping Will's arms tightly.

Will winced and took a deep breath to steady himself, "Let me go!" He shouted spitting into the mans face.


Will was dropped to the floor with his nose throbbing and bleeding, he was convinced that the man had broken it. Will got up and started running his fastest, trying to find an exit.

"You'll never get out of here!" The mans voice echoed through the halls, "I know your every move doll, I know you're good at hiding, come back to daddy and everything will be okay!" He laughed, the echos filled Will's head as he kept running, he was lost in a dead end mansion, there was no escape whatsoever.


After twenty minutes the man came and lifted him up, cuddling Will as he handed the shorter boy a baby bottle filled with milk, Will took it hesitantly, "Don't worry, nothing poisonous." The man smiled as he played with Wills hair and Will began to drink it, he was right, just plain boring milk.

Or so he thought...

"What do we say?" The mysterious man asked.

"T-thank you daddy.." Will muffled as he drank from the baby bottle.

okay so yeah this is a bit of a weird story haha, but if you enjoyed leave a vote?! thank you for reading,  update soon. ~ Alyssa <3

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