*~*Chapter 10*~*

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No ones POV;

"Oh my- doll this is amazing!" Mike muffled with his mouth full of the substance Will cooked for him, enjoying every flavourful and murderous bite while Will looked at him with a wide smile as he ate his own portion.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it mi- daddy." He corrected himself, better to stay in his good side until he dies, seem less suspicious than he already is.

Mike grinned and finished the meal up quickly, it surprised Will as he never saw Mike eat ever. Will finished his and started to do the dishes.

"Hey doll, leave them until tomorrow." Mike smiled as he held Will's waist firmly, but his touch was gentle making sure that he didn't hurt his doll ever again.

Will inhaled sharply and set the plates down hesitantly, Mike ruffled Will's skirt and smiled as he led Will into the sitting area away from the mess in the kitchen.

They settled on watching another Disney movie, Mike insisted on Will choosing the movie so he chose Tangled. He had to admit it, Flynn Ryder was definitely smoking hot.

Mikes hand slowly caressed Will's thigh as they lay together on the sofa, Will shivered from Mike's ice cold grip and thought of every single reason why he hated Mike and started making a mental list in his head;

1)    He literally kidnapped me against my own will.

2)    He dresses me as a little girl and sexualises me in the clothes.

3)    Tries to drug me.

4)    Abuses me endlessly, verbally and physically.

5)    But he's really good at sex-

'Ugh! Stop it Will!' He thought angrily, no matter how hard he tried to hate Mike it wouldn't work.

But it would all be over soon...


After several Disney princess movies and a few cuddles and attempts to kiss Will later, Mike's calm and comfortable expression soon changed to a worried and confused one.

"What happened daddy?" Will whispered looking up at Mike, those after school drama lessons had really been paying off because he could literally care less about what was happening to Mike.

"N-nothing doll, just feeling a little dizzy that's all." He said calmly, though his face said the opposite.

Mike's freaking out didn't help with the slowing of his heart rate, he didn't want Will to see him crack, he was always strong and well structured. "Just gonna close my eyes for a bit." He told Will as he let his head fall onto the pillow with full force.

It was finally kicking in.


Will had somehow gotten Mike to agree to going to the bedroom to rest ten minutes later, with Will's hand in Mike's he pulled him to the room while Mike tried his hardest to stay close to him.

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