*~Chapter 2~*

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TW: usage of drugs and a bit of a sexual theme.

Will looked at himself in the dressing table mirror as his 'daddy' got him ready for the day, he wore a fluffy pink skirt with a white frilly shirt that had an imprint of butterflies on it, accompanied with ankle length frilly socks and pink strap on shoes. The taller man was doing Will's hair in two pigtails again and he clipped pink bows into them once he was done.

"Look up at me." He spoke calmly as he tilted Will's chin up and started putting lipstick on Will.

"No." Will whispered pulling away "Boys don't wear makeup." He said wiping his mouth.

He sighed angrily, progressively losing his patience with Will, "Look what you've done!" He said grabbing Will's face and turning it to the mirror aggressively "You've smudged your lipstick onto your face!" He shouted furiously.

Will whimpered quietly and closed his eyes tightly, "You're hurting me." He sniffled trying to free himself from the mans grasp.

"I wouldn't have to if you just listened." He grumbled letting go and getting a face wipe, "Let's try this again shall we?" He smiled in annoyance. Will sat silently as he blinked tears away.

The tall man spread the lipstick on Will's lips and smiled contently, "You look amazing doll." He said pressing a swift kiss onto Will's now vibrant, pink mouth.

"I'm sure." He mumbled getting up.

"Okay doll, stand at your crib and hold your teddy." The man smiled and instructed as he lifted the camera he brought in with him.

As Will got the teddy and swore he physically gagged at the mans words. What was up with this guy?

"Pose for me doll." He cooed as he held the camera up.

Will looked at him and just stood there in utter disbelief, the pain oozing from his face.

He sighed impatiently, "Okay doll." He said as he put Will into a position "Cute! Okay now smile for me." He smiled and Will obeyed.

He took a photo and set it on the dressing table, as it was developing he lifted Will into his arms.

"Diaper time!" He smiled as he brought Will over to the adult sized dressing table.

"No." Will protested as he tried to get out of his arms, he cannot be serious can he?

"Stop messing around, its just a quick change doll, I know how fussy you can get." He smiled kissing Will's cheek and laying him down.

Will sat up "No fucking way dude, I'm literally twenty one." He sighed, but the man slammed him down on the table and strapped Will's hands down.

"Be quiet, dolls need their daddy's to help them change their diapers." He gritted through his teeth as he started pulling Will's skirt up slowly.

"No please." Will whimpered as the man slowly brought his hand up Will's thigh, getting closer and closer to his crotch area.

"How's that feel doll? Do you like that? Do you want daddy to do this more often?" He questioned.

Will genuinely was a sucker for getting his thighs felt up, it was one of the many things he enjoyed and the man knew that.

"P-please stop d-daddy.." he mumbled softly and the man grinned.

"Such a polite doll, daddy will change you now." He smiled as he took the diaper off, as soon as he did, Will hid his dick in between his legs.

"No need to be shy my little love, I've seen you plenty of times." He oddly reassured him as Will slowly let his legs go limp, the man started cleaning him and put a new diaper on, "Now doll, how about we get you some more breakfast?" He smiled as he un-strapped Will's arms and pecked him.

Will lay there in silence once again.


Will was so hungry he didn't care about the weird grey substance he was eating and who was feeding him it.

"Someone's hungry today!" The man laughed as he fed Will.

"Drink." Will muffled as he ate.

"Oh, here." The man said as he gave will the baby bottle filled with milk, Will took it and began to drink it. When Will was distracted, his 'daddy' popped open a pill and tapped the powder on the food.

It was a calming pill, it would make Will rely on the mans help, he would need his daddy.

After Will finished the food and milk he sat in a play pen and the man watched him blink slowly as he stared off into space.

"Feeling sleepy?" He asked as he walked towards Will.

"Mhm." Will nodded rubbing his eyes and the man lifted him.

"How about we cuddle and watch a Disney film?" He asked as he swayed with Will.

"Okay daddy." He mumbled as he leaned into the man and the man kissed Will's cheek.


Mikes POV

You're probably wondering whats going on here right? Well I'll tell you.

It all started as a middle school crush, but when high school came along I got attached to Will Byers. I would leave little notes in his locker, buy him presents and spend my evenings watching him from outside his window. I adored him. He was just a small and shy quiet kid, when the bully's got to him I wished I had the courage to save him but I just didn't, he didn't even know I existed.

I sat behind him in math class, I would always watch him doodle on his page instead of actually doing the work, I know he knew someone was stalking him but he never knew it was me.

I had to find a way to get him as close to me as possible where no one would hurt him, so I drugged him, kidnapped him and dressed him as a doll.

I like to call it 'Mike Wheelers top three ways on getting a boyfriend' it's a full proof and safe plan.

He will love me, we'll fall in love, elope, and maybe I'll get to meet his mom and brother in real life this time instead of sneaking into their house in the middle of the night to watch her son sleep so peacefully, so beautifully.

But please don't make no mistake about this;

Will Byers will be my boyfriend, just you wait.

Mike you're so weird......

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