*~Chapter 3~*

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TW: violence, blood.

Two weeks later;

"Hello!?" Will sobbed as he banged the bars on the window, trying to find any possible way out "Can somebody help?!"

The door swung open making Will's scream from the sight of the man, "No go a-away!" He panicked running out of the door but he wasn't fast enough, "Get over here." Mike sighed as he grabbed Will, Will kicked him in his crotch area.

"You fucking brat!" Mike screamed as he pushed Will to the floor, Will started running as fast as he could to get away from his kidnapper. "Cmon doll come to daddy!" Mike shouted chasing after him "I wont hurt you I promise!" He laughed.

"Fuck off!" Will sobbed as he ran into the side of a door and split his leg open, he didn't notice though, he was too busy trying to get away, "You're a maniac!"

"Pathetic! You're leaving a trail behind you, I'll always find you doll!" He laughed as he walked towards Will who was now laying on the floor, he grabbed Will's leg and stuck his fingers in the freshly opened wound and took them out. They were covered in Will's blood, Mike sucked his fingers and moaned "You taste so good doll." He grinned from ear to ear, Will just screamed.

"What the fuck!?" He sobbed "You need help! Let me go!" He cried trying to crawl away.

"You're bleeding badly doll, wanna play doctor?" Mike smiled as he dragged Will to the bathroom.

"Let me go!" Will sobbed once again.

"Impossible, how could I ever let you go? I just got you." He smiled as he tied Will's arms to the cabinet in the bathroom.

"Bring me to the hospital!" He cried, his cheeks were red and his tears were big.

"We're playing doctors doll." Mike smiled as he put the thread through the needle.

"No! No no no!" Will screamed trying to pull away but it was useless, the man was too strong.

"Hello doll, oh I see your legs busted up pretty badly, I can fix that don't worry." He smiled as he started to sew Will's leg up, "Dolls fall apart sometimes, but that's nothing a little sewing can fix." He laughed as he sewed Will's leg up.

Pain. All Will felt was pain. It was excruciating, the feeling of the needle piercing through his skin, the mans hands applying pressure to the wound made it even worse for him. All Will could question for the millionth time was why him? He just wanted his mom, his brother, he wanted everyone back, he missed everyone, why couldn't they save him? It had been two weeks, why had nobody came to find him?

"Take me t-to the hospital." He sobbed as he looked at Mike, his daddy.

"No doll." Mike said as he licked the blood off Will's freshly sewed leg.

Will started screaming and he wouldn't stop, Mike's anger grew ferociously and he slapped Will over and over until he was quiet.


Mike smiled, "Perfect." He whispered as he brought Will to his bedroom and tucked him into the crib and watched him for a while.

Doll *~*A byler fanficWhere stories live. Discover now