*~Chapter 5~*

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Mike held Will in his arms protectively and shot the man a dirty look. After all, he did hug his doll and revealed his real name. The man hurried away leaving Will and Mike alone.

Will whimpered into Mikes chest and Mike couldn't help but smile "You sound like you did last night." He grinned, making Will frown.

"Right sorry, how about you go socialise?" Mike smiled as he fixed the strand of hair that was out of place on Will's head.

"Yeah whatever." Will mumbled walking away and over to a group of girls.

They wore dresses that clung to their grey skin, they looked as young as the age of fifteen but all the dresses and makeup made them look older as Will approached them.

"Oh my god a boy!" One of them smiled excitedly, she had fiery red hair and orange freckles on her face, she wore a skin tight red dress and small heels. All the girls looked at Will and ran over to him squealing.

Will laughed nervously "Hate to break it to you ladies but I'm as gay as they come." He said looking at them and they all frowned followed by a few 'aww's'

"Well that's okay." The ginger haired girl smiled as she held onto Wills arm for support, she was too weak to stand on her own.

"Who owns you?" A girl asked Will.

"Owns..?" Will questioned as he looked at her.

"Yeah, like who did your parents sell you too?" She asked.

Will laughed "That's funny." He smiled "I'm not owned, just kidnapped, or man-napped." He told them.

"Impossible, this is an organisation that specialises in the selling of children in America." She told him and Will looked at her confused.

"I'm sorry but I think you're wrong, my mom would never sell me in a million years." He frowned as he looked at the ginger haired girl and she looked at him apologetically.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered softly as she held Will's arm a little tighter and he pulled away a little.

"My mom didn't sell me!" He argued.

Mike whipped his head around to see Will starting some trouble over in the corner of the venue, before he could walk over he was pulled into another conversation.

"What's your name?" The ginger haired girl asked trying to change the conversation "I'm Max." She told him.

"Will, now goodbye." He said going to walk away.

"No! Stay Will, please." She said holding onto his arm.

"My mom didn't sell me!" He shouted and Mike ran over.

"I think that's enough socialising for tonight." He sighed pulling Will away from them.

"let me go Mike!" Will sighed as Mike pulled him out to the car.

"Shut up! Don't fucking call me that!" He sighed opening the car door and throwing Will in "You'll stay out here until I'm ready to go home." He said slamming the door and locking it, leaving Will all alone.

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