~*Chapter 9*~

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I promise the last chapter will be long...

Mikes POV;

Wills been acting weird lately, well ever since I tried to drown him.

I wasn't trying to kill him I was just angry, Jane gave me hell for doing it but I don't want to keep repeating how sorry I am.

I miss wills giggles, I miss he and I cuddling, I just miss us.

I keep thinking about when he said I should have just grown a set of balls and asked him out, he's right and I feel like an asshole.

I just want him feel pretty, he never liked his appearance in high school even though he looked amazing everyday, I just wish I had let him know then, none of this would have happened.

But its too late, and I love dressing him up and giving him cuddles, protecting him from the cruel world he tried so hard to please everyday...


I'm eating dinner with Will, well, he's eating not me. I love watching him, he fascinates me.

I catch myself smiling sometimes and it makes me feel like some lovesick dork, but that's because I am.

You can just call me a closeted lovesick dork.

"Daddy, can I ask you a question?" Will asks me and I nod quickly, this is the first thing he's said to me in ages.

"Yes of course doll, go ahead." I smile at Will's cute face as he's thinking of the question.

"Is everything here locked?" He asks.

Odd question.

"Uh yeah pretty much, I don't want you getting hurt." I smile as I rub Will's thigh, he flinches slightly but I ignore it.

"Can I please make dinner?" He begs me.

"No, dangerous."


"Will- baby, doll, no. I cant risk you burning yourself." I sigh as I rub my eyes.

"please daddy? Just this once? I wanna make you dinner." He smiles biting his lip which instantly makes me melt into a puddle of rainbows and glitter, he's just so adorable and all mine.

"O-okay, but just be safe you can do it tomorrow if you please." I say as I lift him into my arms.

"Perfect..." Will whispers into my neck.


Will's POV;

While Mike was putting me to bed he got a phone call about how his stupid work needed his stupid help, I mean, I was ecstatic about it, Mike not so much.

Putting me to bed is like his favourite time of the day, it's creepy.

Jane had to come over because I refused to go to sleep and Mike couldn't find his famous sleeping pills.

The hospital will though once I'm done with him.

I'm not the murdering type and never will be, this is just an act of bravery and determination, but if no ones going to help me get out of here im gonna have to do it myself.

"Jane can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Yeah, whats up?" She asks as she looks towards me.

"I think im gonna-never mind, its stupid." I sigh, what if she tells Mike? Sabotages my plan? I can't let that happen whatsoever.

"Well, tell me when you're ready." She smiles ever so sweetly, almost as if she isn't real, no ones this nice ever.

I eventually go to sleep before mikes home.


"Daddy give me my space!" I sigh as I'm trying to add in my secret ingredient to Mike's food.

"No doll, I need to supervise you." He smiles as he holds my waist and rests his head on mine.

Go away butterflies go away...

"You might get hurt and im not there to save you."  He tells me but it just sounds like bullshit.

"I wont get hurt, and I'm a very good cook, I need my space please!" I beg as I lean back into him, any form of contact Mike receives makes him rethink his choices.

He's silent for a moment as he feels my waist, "Alright, but if I have to come in because you've hurt yourself im cancelling dinner." He says as he kisses my cheek and walks away.

I watch the food cook, it smells good and looks edible, after I finish putting my serving onto the plate I quickly use the cheese grater to grind all of the twenty something pills into Mike's food before I dish his serving out.

I know where he keeps his keys, in his pocket, he tries to make it look like his dicks massive but its just an average sized dick.

Trust me, I know.

"Daddy!" I call as I set the plates onto the table being very careful as to not mix them up.

Mike walks in and smiles, "Nice presentation." He says sitting down the same time as me.

"Enjoy." I smile, and he digs in.

I have a terrible headache.

Doll *~*A byler fanficWhere stories live. Discover now