~*Chapter 6*~

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TW: small talk about calories and a sex scene.

I love him.

My god I love him, I was never into that kind of toxic relationship crap but here I am, im in love with my kidnapper.

And it feels so good.

I watched him sleep, his chest rising and falling repeatedly, he looked so happy and content as he lay there, the ache for attention was gone from his face. Many thoughts spiralled through my head such as 'kill him, if you kill him right now you can escape' but I didn't give in, why didn't I give in?

I love Mike, I love my daddy.

His eyes slowly opened and looked at me I blushed with embarrassment as he caught me staring at him, he stroked my scarlet cheek and spoke softly;

"Good morning doll." He yawned.

I blushed even darker, his morning voice was so sexy.

"H-hi." I mumbled embarrassed as I hid my face in his bare chest.

He laughed softly "Were you enjoying the show?" He smiled as he rubbed his eyes, I stayed silent from humiliation.

"Such a pretty princess." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around me protectively, "How about we get you ready for the day and we can get some breakfast?" He asked stroking my cheek then sighing softly "Y-you can have whatever cereal you want." He said painfully, he never lets me have what I want.

I looked up at him quickly and nodded "Yes please daddy." I said quickly, no matter how much I hated the bows and dresses and makeup I would dress up as anything he wanted me to just to have some decent food.


Mike dressed me up in a pink dress that had a tutu at the bottom of it, I wore pink frilly socks and pink flats, my bowl cut was once again replaced with two tiny pigtails that were tied with hair bobbles that had fake flowers on it.

I looked so fucking stupid.

But it made Mike happy so I was happy.

He let me eat my breakfast this morning by myself, I chose lucky charms, the sugariest cereal in the whole cupboard. I could see Mike cringing from the many calories I was consuming, I'm pretty sure he had me restricted down to about one hundred calories a day.

But I felt free, I was eating sugary cereal all by myself.

Mike watched me closely "You're eating too fast, let me help you doll." He said taking the spoon off me, I frowned.

"No! Give me it back." I sighed reaching for the spoon, this stupid adult sized high chair would be the death of me.

"Calm down doll, I'm just going to feed you the rest of it." He smiled "You need daddy's help."

I didn't, but I loved his help.

"Okay." I said letting him feed me once again.

After I was finished Mike looked at me "Let's dance." He smiled lifting me out.

"What?" I giggled looking up at him as he pulled me into a slow dancing position.

Doll *~*A byler fanficWhere stories live. Discover now