*~Chapter 4~*

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Wills POV

Dresses, knee length socks, bows, makeup.

This has been my life for the past year.

A whole year at this place, daddy finally started telling me the time and date, he can be a nice guy.


"You thinking about last night?" Daddy smiled as he washed me in the bath.

"Mmmmmaybe." I smiled, I finally gave in and let him have sex with me.

It was pretty damn good.

"You're so beautiful." He smiled as he stroked my red cheek, I was blushing once again, what was wrong with me? This guy has destroyed my life, why do I feel like he's the only one I can trust?

"I actually have an event tonight." He told me as he rinsed my body down, "And you have to come along." He mumbled a bit.

My eyes widened and I gasped "I get to come?!" I smiled excitedly, stuck inside for a whole year makes you feel really light headed.

"Unfortunately, id rather keep you here though since you're so kidnap-able." He laughed a little as he wrapped the towel around my body.

"No I wanna come, please." I smiled "Ive been feeling light headed lately.." I complained a little, daddy doesn't like it when I complain.

"No complaining, I make you food, I give you clothes." He said as he dried me off and started getting underwear out.

"What's the underwear for?" I asked, I've gotten used to the diaper rashes now.

Daddy laughed "It's formal dress doll, I can't have you wearing a diaper." He smiled as he started putting the underwear on me, "Unless you don't think you'll be able to hold it in?" He asked looking at me.

Oh trust me, I will be able too.

"Of course I will daddy don't be silly!" I smiled as I pecked him.

"Of course." He repeated as he put the underwear on me and started styling my hair back into it's original bowl cut, it felt as if we were a normal couple.

"So how come they cant see me the way you do daddy?" I asked genuinely curious.

Daddy sighed and looked at me "just because I don't want them too, that's only for me." I nodded in response.

I tried my hardest for six months to escape but it was useless, he was always one step ahead of me. My babysitter Jane showed me to a window that actually opens, she takes me to it when daddy is at work, she feeds me real food.

Not that grey stuff that daddy drugs with sleeping pills and boner pills.

He says he likes it when Im hard, but I kinda like it too.

I looked at myself in the mirror, grey, skinny and physically drained is the only way I can describe myself. But daddy says I'm beautiful, that I'm one of a kind.

We got changed into our suits, I felt at ease.


While we were driving I couldn't help but stare out the window the whole time, I forgot how outside looked, how green the grass was and how hot the sun felt against my skin. I missed it all so much.

Daddy pulled into a gas station and parked the car "I'm gonna get some drinks and food, stay put and don't try to mess anything up." He warned as he unlocked his door only, I watched him get out of the car and lock it.

After five minuets I saw a woman and her daughter looking in at me, I looked to them and saw their alarmed faces.

The woman walked over to the window that was opened the slightest bit and whispered "Are you Will Byers?"

I stared at her for a moment then looked to the gas station store, I could see daddy at the till paying for whatever he had bought then I looked at the woman and nodded quickly "Please tell them I'm still alive, just go before you get yourself killed." I whispered "hurry up and leave!" And she walked into the store with her daughter quickly.

Daddy walked out and looked at the woman as she passed, he got into the car quickly "Did she say something to you?" He asked locking the doors, I shook my head.

"Not a thing." I lied looking at him.

"You're sure? She didn't even exchange looks?" He asked.

"I promise." I smiled as I leaned into him, I felt kind of bad for lying to him.

"Alright then doll." He said as he drove away from the gas station.


We got to the party, it was filled with old men who were accompanied by young girls who looked like me, grey, skinny and physically drained.

"Mike!" A man greeted daddy.

"Alright sir." Daddy nodded, I looked up at him and he shook his head.

Mike, daddy was called Mike, I held onto his arm and hid behind him.

"Who's this beautiful boy?" The man smiled as he pulled me out from behind Mike and hugged me. I started to panic and tried to pull away

"D-daddy!" I said looking at him and he pulled me away from the man and I hid my face in daddy's chest.

He was becoming my safe space.

My daddy, my Mike.

A little bit of a short chapter.

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