~*Chapter 8*~

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Nine and ten will be long I promise!!!!!

Wills POV;

I'm watching Mike eat dinner, I never see him eat. This feels like some sort of date to be honest, the lights are dim, there's food; not that it tastes any good though because Mike cant cook, he knows it himself. The grey substance he's been giving me is supposed to be some sort of honey porridge, I absolutely love porridge but somehow Mike turns it grey and makes it tasteless. He's such a nerd, I love it.

But I don't love him when he's mad, I have to try extra hard to be affectionate when he's mad or he'll probably end up killing me after our last incident where he tried to drown me in boiling water. I still didn't get that bath he ran me.

I don't know if its because we've had sex or that I've been stranded here with him alone for a year and I've had to get to know him, but I feel exhausted from loving him.

It feels like a job I'm not getting paid for.

It sucks.

I love him from fear, the fear of not loving him or he would stab me there and then, the fear of abandonment or the fear of just being frightened by him.

I fear-love him.

But I've made connections with him, we had sex, I've seen him vulnerable and he's definitely seen me at my worst. I just keep thinking what if.

What if Mike was a good guy? What if he didn't abduct me and steal me away from all my loved ones? What if he didn't brainwash me?

What if I didn't get Stockholm syndrome?

I definitely don't like fear-loving Mike Wheeler.


Jane came over to babysit me while Mike went to work, he insisted drinking the milk he made me but I know there was some sort of sleeping pill in it that would have me awake by the time he got home.

I like Jane, she's sweet and always has been. I just don't like that she hasn't ratted out Mike and let me be free from this misery, or even kept my mom hopeful for my return.

"So Will, how are you?" She asks as I hold my head out the window in the secret room she brings me too, I let the sun hit my face and I breathe in the fresh air, it feels good to share air with the world instead of just Mike.

"I've been better." I whisper, just enjoying the view and Janes company, I just want to chill.

Jane got me dressed into clothes that were less feminine, of course she'll have to re-dress me in the clothes Mike had chosen for me but I didn't mind, it was normal for a few hours.

"What happened?" She asked as she leaned against the wall and looked over at me.

"You really wanna know?" I sigh.

"Yeah, maybe I'll get to beat Mikes ass." She smiled and I laugh a little, she brings some happiness into this disaster.

"Mike tried to drown me in hot water from the bath he was running me, when you left you never turned the tv off and I found the remote followed by the news channel where my mom was pleading for me to come home. I told him that he should've grown the balls in high school to ask me out but only made him angrier." I sound so defeated, but its true, I am defeated.

"Yikes." Jane whispered as I sat beside her "I'm sorry Will, this wouldn't have happened if I had left the tv off."

"No no, I'm actually glad you did, I thought maybe my mom had given up all hopes on me." I laugh sadly and Jane side hugs me.

"I'm gonna have to beat Mike's ass now, unless he makes me ask for permission to do so." She smiles which makes me smile "He's such a nerd."

"Yeah." I laugh, happier now. Jane always knows how to bring my mood up.

But when Janes around I always remember how much I hate Mike, how I want him dead, how he ruined my perfectly good life.

Maybe I mix up love and loathe a lot.


Jane rushes to get me dressed into my sparkly, pink clothes before Mike makes it to my bedroom, we pretend we're playing dress-up.

"What's going on?" Mike asks as he walks over to us suspiciously.

"Dress up." Jane smiles "Will's favourite."


"Yeah.." I trail off as Mike lifts me and sways with me,

"Its getting late doll, I'm gonna get you ready for bed." He whispers softly and Jane stands up.

"I need to have a word with you Micheal." She warns as she leaves the room, I feel Mike's body tensing up.

Does he think he's gotten caught? Is he afraid of her? Of course not.

He dresses me into a floral themed nightgown I just stare at him full of resentment.

"Stop looking at me like that." He sighs "I didn't mean to almost kill you!"

Full of regret, I like it.

He deserves to feel bad for what hes done, even though I brush it off and say its okay it really isn't okay and he needs to realise that.

I turn my back towards him in my crib and he sighs "Doll.." he whispers, as if I'm slipping away.

Maybe I am ready to slip away from the fear-loving phase and resent him fully.


Mike has finally left and I can hear Jane and Mike arguing down the hallway, it's muffled, but the only thing I can think about is how do you kill the abductor?

Its not like I have simple access to anything, I'm not even allowed to go to the bathroom. It's useless, he has everything locked, I cant even get a simple butter knife.

I climb out of my crib carefully to be sure I make zero noise, I open the door the tiniest bit and slip out, they're arguing in the kitchen thanks to Jane.

I make my way to Mike's room, checking for anything sharp or dangerous, if he was going to use it on me why couldn't I use it on him first?

I spot the sleeping pills he uses on me sometimes when he tries to give me the milk, I grab them quickly and make my way back to my room.

Will Byers number one way to kill an abductor.

Beg him to let you make food and overdose him.

Its just spices.


I felt bad for not updating but I'll make sure the next two chapters are long!

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