~*Chapter 7*~

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Three more chapters left...

Mikes POV;

I looked at Will and I could feel myself clasping my hand tighter around his mouth, he wasn't supposed to find out who I was, this was never planned.

"You're Mike Wheeler." He said trying to pull my hand away from his mouth but he was too weak.

"No shut up." I mumbled as I took my hand away and turned my back to him, he's ruined everything now.

"I don't care, I want us to be normal." He said pushing his body up against my back, I looked at him confused.

"You want me..?" I asked and he nodded and smiled, I started laughing.

My plan had worked.

Mike Wheelers top three ways to get a boyfriend had worked, I was ecstatic.

"Oh it'll be us forever doll, just me and you no one else." I grinned widely as I pulled Will into my arms.

"Of course I want you, why wouldn't I? I need you." Will smiled and I looked at him a bit sad.

I destroyed him.

But he wanted me, it was okay, wasn't it?

Will cuddled into my chest and I couldn't help but smile, I ran my hands through his messy hair and kissed his head, he was finally mine.


Two weeks passed, everything was perfect until it wasn't.

I had came home from work and started running a bath for Will until I walked into the living room to see Will watching the news on the tv, how he got to the remote I will never know, his mom was on the tv pleading for him to come home, talking about how long she was looking for him.

Will started sobbing. Hard.

I walked over and turned the tv off and pulled him into my arms protectively, he sobbed for a moment before pushing me away "No! Fuck off!" He cried angrily obviously mad about me abducting him, but that wouldn't last for long.

He was under my control.

"How about some milk baby doll?" I asked softly as I stroked his tear-stained cheek and he shoved my hand away.

"Just leave me alone! Haven't you already done enough?!" He argued.

I sat down beside him, "Doll these past two weeks have been paradise, what changed?" I asked "One minute were normal then the next minute you're hating on me." I said softly.

"You dress me up as a girl and took me away from my family." He cried angrily "If you had grown the balls to ask me out in high school this wouldn't have fucking happened.

He's right, but I don't admit it, I grow angry instead.

Without noticing I have him by the hair and I'm dragging him to the bathroom where his baths running, suddenly im dunking his head under the hot water and I'm not letting him come up for air.

"I dress you beautifully, I save you from the bad people and once again you treat me like shit?!" I shout, still not letting him come up for air as he struggles to breathe, "I will be the only person who will ever love you doll, make no mistake about that!" I say aggressively as I yank his head out of the water and let him fall to the ground with a hard smack.

His face is red, boiling from the hot water as he coughs and gasps for air.

I sit down on the edge of the bath and cover my face, I'm ashamed but I cant help it, I have a bad temper.

After two minuets Will's fully recovered from the incident and he made his way over to me slowly "Y-you're right.." he mumbles as he takes my hand from my face and holds it shakily.

He's absolutely terrified of me.

Maybe he doesn't love me, maybe he's just pretending to get on my good side.

Does love even exist anymore?

Maybe the Stockholm syndrome is being caused by the fear.

He's just trying to convince himself, he's never noticed me so why would he love me?

Short chapter, the next three chapters might take a while to write but I am aiming for them to be pretty long.

Stay tuned <3

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