Daniel Ricciardo; Cheers!

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okay so lets begin, i did actually write the ones i am about to publish at the early hours of the morning after work lmao, enjoy the gift.

Fully aware that these may be OOC, but it's how I view these boys/men.

usual conventions used (ie Y/N, E/C), H/C indicates to blonde/brunette/ginger, etc.


At last. He finally managed a P1 in the Monza Grand Prix, and the Italian track had been kind to him. It was different to previous podiums, this one indefinitely more so as McLaren had taken on a former Torro Rosso mechanic.

For Daniel, she was a dream in papaya. The first impression that he received however was less than stellar. Her (H/C) hair was falling out of the messy bun it was put in, barely poking out from underneath the body of the car. Zak had called her, and as she wheeled herself from underneath the chassis, (Y/N) whacked her forehead against an axel, having misjudged the distance from it. "Fuck," she muttered, rubbing her hand against her forehead, smudging preexisting dirt across the skin, whilst glaring at the vehicle behind her. "What the hell was that yell for?" She queried, eyeing Zak carefully.

The men in front of her laughed whilst the young woman readjusted herself, Zak cooling off just enough to get his next sentence out. "I wanted to introduce you to your new driver." 

The team manager laughed once more as he saw (Y/N) throw herself up off her creeper board, wiping the grease and dirt from her hands as a tall figure in an equally fetching papaya polo and jeans rounded the other side of the car. "Daniel, (Y/N)," Zak started, pointing his hand between the pair. "(Y/N), Daniel."

"Danny Ric in the flesh..." The woman mumbled as they fist bumped. This was already a blurry fortnight of action, but meeting this Italian-Australian god was really the icing on the cake.

"That's my name, it's beautiful coming out of that pretty face of yours." Dan winked, his mechanic's face steadily becoming a soft pink whilst Zak just watched on cautiously. (Y/N) took a small back step, needing to create a small space to cool her face off quickly. In doing so, she stepped on the board and started to fall, but thanks to Daniel's racing instincts and quick reflexes, his hand caught her waist and held her close to his muscled body.

Dan was immediately captured by her, the vibrant colour of the team shirt matched her skin tone, the dried dirt marks about her face created a small picture on her face, and the dusty pink across her cheeks added to her beauty. "I didn't realise I'd have such a lovely lady falling for me so quickly!" He flirted, bringing her to a more upright position and letting go of her waist. 'Thank god masks are no longer compulsory'. He thought to himself in doing so, the grin on his face growing somehow wider.

The mechanic rushed out a meek 'thank you' before nodding and running away to go cool off, the vicinity around Dan becoming chillier with her presence now gone. Zak just laughed and took Dan to the meeting room, calling Lando to come and discuss tactics for the week ahead.

Leading up to the Monza race, the pairing adjusted to one another's presences, spending copious amounts of time working on the car, tests, preparations, meetings, if it needed to be done, it was done together, not to mention the ever increasing amounts of missed stares and accident touches, hands, waists, hips, wherever the pair felt comfortable to brush. Many nights were spent crashing on the sofas in Dan's driver suite, occasionally curled up on the floor, leant against one another or asleep against a tyre mound, a McLaren family group chat favourite, Zak even setting one as his phone's lockscreen, that image being of Dan with his mouth hanging open lying on the floor, and (Y/N) in a similar position with her head on his outstretched arm.

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