Pierre Gasly; Our Last Summer.

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there is a mamma mia inspired collection starting now because i have an intense adoration for abba and the drivers



Our Last Summer


Morning croissants
Living for the day
Worries far away
Our last summer
We could laugh and play


international student is with him for a summer


(Y/N) was feeling the warm sun on her face as she walked along the river in Rouen, her eyes taking in the architecture that she had fallen in love with many summers, ago. She had been invited by a host family to spend the summer away from her home nation as part of a cultural exchange, so to speak. Jean Jacques and Pascale Gasly were her hosts, stopping to rest against a railing along the Seine as she thought back on her time with the family.


She appeared at the arrivals pen, seeing several people all holding signs saying her name, the stress of travel melting away as the French family met her with love and enthusiasm. There were the parents, and then five young men. They introduced themselves as Paul, Phillipe, Cyril and Nicolas, all of them softly shaking her hand as they used their school-instructed english. 

Soon a pair of blue eyes were levelling with her, a warm hand grabbing hers and a pair of soft lips pressing to the cool skin. "Bonjour, (Y/N), I am Pierre, enchante..." He muttered, his brothers trying to fight his attention from the woman, yelling at one another in their native language, Pierre almost disgusted before hearing a small voice pipe up. 

"Excuse me, gentlemen? Do you forget that I know French too?" She stated fluently, feeling the tension in the air change from that of jealously to embarrassment. Pierre burst out laughing, his parents joining in as the four older boys shut their mouths quickly before trudging away to the direction of the train station, leading the way to her new home of Rouen. The trip down consisted of the group alternating between French and English, two languages the six of them knew - Pascale was glad that another feminine influence would be in the house for twelve weeks, cancelling out the testosterone slightly. 

Pierre's eyes never left her, always hoping her (E/C) eyes would meet his so he could flash his charming smile. He was sat to her left, his mother on her right, his father and siblings sat around them and spacing over two sets of seating as to not crowd the exchange member. His knees knocked against hers, thighs squashed together as the train took some turns hard and fast, her hand grabbing his knee to stabilise herself, him grabbing softly on to her shoulder to help her and himself.


Pierre had come back to Rouen for the summer break, a much needed recharge of his social/personal battery and see his friends and family back home, the race calendar hadn't been nice for the French GP, meaning he couldn't spend as much time as he wished with his loved ones. He parked up in the garage and walked into the living room, his mother grinning from ear to ear as he walked in, kissing all over his face as his father ruffled his hair. 

"Mama, you seem happier than usual, what's happened?" The young man asked, his mother tongue flowing freely as he cradled the glass of ice water in his hand, staving off the heat.

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