Carlos Sainz; My, what a big box!

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I owe you guys a small explanation for my absence. The summary is that my grandad landed in hospital with a broken arm, I have been suffering pretty heavily with seasonal affect disorder and a member of my immediate family has been harassed by someone online - everything is now working out, but the summary of the shit that's been going on is this. And to top it off, I have been informed (on 02/01/24) someone who I know quite well has passed at a young age - happy new year. You'll be forever missed, Tom💔

None of the above is a sob story to gain any sympathy. I'm a grown woman with a complicated life, things like this are bound to happen. I just wanted you to be informed.

Also a huge thank you to blueoliwia for your input - merry Christmas and happy new year🫶 fuck me what is a timeline

"How the hell are you hiding this from her?!" Caco asked Chilli, staring at the passenger seat of the (nearly brand new) Ferrari. He had gorgeous brown fur, big brown eyes and the sweetest little face.

"Well, to be honest, I was going to ask if I could keep him with you?" Chilli said, getting a blank look until Carlos Senior came along to question why his son and nephew were stood stockstill, staring at the Ferrari and one another.

"Ah, what's wrong, chicos?" The eldest Carlos asked, approaching the vehicle before he heard a soft bark. "What the hell? Another one?" He asked his son, exhausted at the thought of looking after yet another dog.

"He's not for me!" Chilli argued, reaching into the vehicle and fussing the dog's head. "Also, he's called Maní."

"I couldn't care less what he's called, we have three days until Christmas to hide him from her." Caco argued, seeing his cousin too preoccupied with his new baby. "Fine, he can stay at mine, but I hope that you have a big box that he will fit in for the actual day and he'll be quiet."

"He's a puppy!" Carlos Senior argued, a man also fond of hounds, reaching into the window to hold is grand-pup. "He's a little baby, eh?" He said, the sixteen week old rescue puppy curling up in his arms.

"You are both too soft." Caco grumbled as he fussed the puppy, loving the feel of the labrador's chocolate brown ears. "But he is a baby, I can't argue with that."

"Hm..." Chilli hummed before putting Maní in Caco's car, seeing him cautiously pad around the boot before finally settling down and resting properly. "Good boy." The only non-Red Bull winner of the season cooed, nuzzling his nose against the puppy's head before scratching his chin. "She is going to love him."

"Well, she," Carlos Senior emphasised, seeing that he hasn't actually mentioned his partner's name. "Will be here at any moment, so Carlos, clear off, Carlos, get inside and wash up for dinner." The younger men knew exactly who he was referring to, so his son said one last goodbye to his new baby before his cousin cleared off, leaning father and son to walk into the house. "Will (Y/N) be about next season?" The older gent asked, opening the front door and being met by his own hounds.

"Yes, I managed to persuade her into letting me support her for a year so she can get her master's in business communications." The younger Carlos explained, shutting the door and picking up the white ball of fluff named Ollie, cuddling him very closely as the animal just accepted the love. "She will be around the paddock and we've been cleared by the FIA to bring Maní and Piñon into the paddock, they will be looked after by (Y/N) until she is in the box and they are then handled by Mick's dog handler."

"So you have really thought this out then?" His dad said, taking a seat in the living room as Piñon jumped up to get his daddy's attention.

"Thoroughly," Carlos said as he knelt down and put Ollie on the floor, choosing to now wrestle and fuss Piñon. They rolled around on the floor for a little while before settling on the sofa, putting on the MotoGP that was missed from the weekend before, Carlos losing himself in the race and not noticing that the front door had opened, nor his nickname being called.

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