Pierre Gasly; Say It Aint So...

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I actually do adore pierre, he is a sweetie, and the summary of this is that a fire in the garage makes him worried about someone special who was caught inside, slight angst

Also I cannot unhear the soft Yoooki that Alonso said during the Grill the Grid Heights Challenge so I need to all to know that's all I think of whilst writing this.

This does include a reference to Anthoine, the nature of this is not very light hearted, but we all love some heart break in these right??

The beauty of Formula One was multisided, much like a D20 dice. The sounds of the engines reverberating off the walls, the screams of the crowds, the actual locations and cities where the races are. All of it, it was just beautiful, many of the drivers included.

Being part of the Alpha Tauri social team meant (Y/N) ended up spending a lot of time with Yuki and Pierre, especially the French man. His blue eyes were alluring in all lights, he was breathtaking in so many sense. Even the slightest touch to any region of her being sent a shock through her system, the contact felt electric.
Pierre was also known for being a bit of a flirt around the paddock, he respected women as much as he could flirt with them, he never once wished harm upon a woman who rejected his intentions, and always respected their space if a boundary was drawn.

They were at a practice in Bahrain, the garages and hospitality units were undergoing maintenance and remodelling for the new season, the units were not up to the standard that the FIA and teams were asking for. Alpha Tauri were looking questionable for the start of the season, if their practice in Spain was anything to go by, but testing is required for the teams for a reason.

The Number 10's vehicle went out in a crash in day three, leaving the mechanics with the whole day to make immediate repairs and focused attention. Pierre headed to the data analysis 'centre' of the AT hub, seeing Yuki with his analyser, disheartened he couldn't take part in the afternoon, but no hard feelings towards his teammate, accidents happen.
The boys fist bumped and had a short conversation, Pierre apologised for crashing out, Yuki just made a passing comment, and just as the subject was about to change, they heard distinct panting.

"Madam (Y/N)! You have finally arrived!" Pierre exclaimed, his thick accent so prominent in the English half of the sentence.

"Oui, monsieur." She breathed out, using the French she knew, her face a soft red from running around the garages. "Sorry I'm late. I got sidetracked seeing Charles, and he asked if you were okay and then I saw Sebastian and Mick, it just went from there..."

Pierre nodded, resting an arm jokingly on Tsunoda's head. "Mon Cherie, it's fine! I appreciate your attention to my friends, but I do wish that it would be shared to me, no?" His grin was wide, his tongue slightly visible through the gap in his front teeth, a wink twinned with it.

As he spoke, she softly bowed to Yuki, a soft 'Konnichiwa, Yuki-kun' passing her pastel lips. Yuki nodded in response and in doing so, caused Pierre to lose his footing briefly until he could catch himself.

"Pierre, you have my attention every single day, even when you call me drunk at three in the morning asking me for my hand in marriage whilst in Vegas." She was hiding her flushed face as she walked to the desk she was stationed at, Pierre following her and plonking himself of the chair beside.

"I apologised for that many times, you cannot hold that against me! Daniel gave me tequila, and you're my favourite lady in the world!" As he spoke, his arm snaked around the back of her desk chair, pulling himself closer to her side to analyse the performance from the morning.
(Y/N) jolted as the contact of their chairs, his hand resting upon her shoulder and slowly applying pressure with his thumb where her bra strap sat, relieving some unneeded pressure in the joint. She let our a soft whimper that took her and Pierre both by surprise.

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