Esteban Ocon; Weather Warning.

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So I am heartbroken for Daniel after today in Monza, the curse is alive, but I am so fucking proud of Mick, Este and Carlos today, they did so fucking well and I am so fucking proud. Also, Nyck, welcome to the fucking pack, man! wishing alex a speedy recovery after his surgery and post-anaesthetic drop off, glad to hear he responded well overnight, much love to him 💜

Anyway it's been pissing it down in England, fitting considering recent news, and I think that cuddling Esteban is on my list of things id love to do and i really love writing him. mick, este and lance are so fucking underrated as drivers and people, i love their friendship

So let's go!

Also tysm for making my most recent Daniel chapter like my most popular?? Guessing we love the paddock dads

vous femme effrontée = you cheeky woman
"Be careful as you head home, honey!" Esteban's voice rang through the earpiece of (Y/N)'s phone. "I know the office isn't very far away, but you might get rained on, there is a weather warning. Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?" He sounded concerned, obviously seeing the clouds that hung over Bern.

"I will be fine, sweetheart. It's about a twenty minute walk to the house, and you've driven enough this week!" She said, pulling her rain jacket on. "I'll be home soon!"

"Okay, love you, mon amour!"

"And you, mon Ange!"

The phone clicked, and so did (Y/N)'s heels against the tiles of the office foyer. She said goodbye to Harald at the desk, handing the office keys for the office over for the night, and walked out the doors, heading towards the privacy of suburbia.
She was greeted by the outside world to dark clouds of rain, a few rumbles of thunder, and a couple claps of lightning.

"Well, it's not gonna get better." She mumbled to herself, pulling her kagoul hood up and over her head, and marching as fast as her stiletto heels would let her. The weather came down harsher with every pavement slab that she walked on; thunder grew nearer, rain went from a light drizzle to a small torrent, and the electric buzzed more in the atmosphere.

Esteban had been at home with the curtains shut, knowing that (Y/N) would want the curtains shut for when she got in, and had already started the process of making hot chocolates, when the power in the house snapped out. "What just happened?" He asked himself as he went around, headphones on, not having heard or seen the weather and tested the lights. He quickly cottoned on that it was a power cut and groaned, grabbing the bedding from the bedroom and brought it to the main room, and lit some tea lights in the room, then texted (Y/N).

Mon Amour💜

We have a power cut, don't panic for when you get in, for I shall shield you!

He hit send and settled again for about ten minutes, his phone ringing with an image of them at an F1 event during the summer.
(Y/N) had taken shelter underneath a bus stop to see the notification, and called Esteban as quickly as she could with numb fingers.

"Este? Can you heard me?" She asked through chattering teeth.

"I can, but only just, what's happening out there? Are you safe, okay?" He responded, getting ready to blow the candles in the house out.

"I'm drenched, honey. I feel like a wet rat. My shoes could be paddling pools for a squirrel!" She whined, not sure if it was tears or rain water running down her face.

"How far are you from home? I'll come and pick you up."

"Stay in the house, it's not safe to drive, the roads are flooding! I'm about five minutes away, can you get a towel and some dry clothes ready please?" She managed to get through, before the signal cut off, making her groan in frustration before soldiering on.
Esteban was just as annoyed, throwing his headphones on the sofa, and made his way to their room, getting her fluffiest socks, her favourite towel and a set of his pyjamas, and set them down in the bathroom as he lit candles and ran a bath.

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