Kimi Raikkonen; Bracelet.

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So this was a suggestion from the honesty box (I'll post the link as a comment) - please, please, please share your thoughts and feelings because this is how your stories may come to fruition! Lots of love to you all🫶🏻
"What are you doing?" A soft voice asked, Kimi looking over (Y/N)'s shoulder as she looked at a bead box.

"I'm making friendship bracelets." She muttered, seeing the Finn take a seat across from her. She barely looked up from the box as the seat screeched across the floor.

"Why?" Kimi asked, watching her thread the beads along the elastic.

"Because they're for my friends and the other drivers?" She responded, her tone confused as she finally looked up, seeing Kimi staring at her. "Why are you suddenly interested?" She asked the young Finn, seeing him sat in front of her with frosted tips and his race suit slung around his hips. She snorted and quickly covered her mouth to hide her grin.

"What's so funny?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "Is there something on my face?"

"No..." She muttered through a bitten tongue. "I just wanted to know why you're wearing stupid sunglasses and look like a flat haired Justin Timberlake." She mumbled, finally moving her hand as he reached up to grab the sunglasses. "Never let David take you shopping."

"I need them for the parade, hand them back." He bluntly said, watching (Y/N) smirk as she placed them back in his open palm. "Thank you. Now, tell me why you're making bracelets, the real reason."

"I just follow you around and do fuck all otherwise, might as well share my appreciation through the paddock." (Y/N) said with a shrug, turning her attention back to the bracelet.

"Is that for Michael?" He asked, seeing the red and yellow beads that had already been threaded onto the elastic. "Did you make one for Ralf and David so they didn't feel left out?" He teased, watching as she rolled her (E/C) eyes on a large circle.

"You know I did, don't be a dickhead." (Y/N) responded, seeing Kimi fiddling. "Did you want to have a go making me one?"

"Why would I?"

"Because I'm your best friend, but I get it if you don't."

"I don't have the time, I have a car to drive. Go and bother Corinna." He mumbled, just stretching the elastic.

"Can't, she is too busy with the kids." She responded, grabbing the elastic. "Maybe Fernando is available?"

"He's a whore, you're not going near him. He'll get you pregnant or something." Kimi immediately shut down the idea, watching (Y/N) frown.

"But I reaaaaally fancy him and you know that." (Y/N) whined, a deep voice calling through the hospitality unit.

"I do hope you're talking about me!" David said as he quickly approached, (Y/N) putting down her project and jumping up from her seat as he barrelled into her. "Hiya, hen! How are you?"

"She's fine, get off of her." Kimi said, staring David down. The Scotsman gave no fucks and kept hugging their friend, picking her up and swinging her around as the Finn sighed and shook his head. "Please put her down, I don't want her to vomit on me later." Kimi sternly requested, seeing the pair pout at him. "David, we need to get to the pits, I'm taking (Y/N) down to Ferrari to see Corinna and the kids."

"Why not leave her with my girlfriend?" David asked, releasing (Y/N) as she packed up her project and beads in the box.

"Because your girlfriend has her friends, this one only has us so she's going to be adopted by the Germans." Kimi bluntly said before walking away and scooping (Y/N) up and carrying her out the door.

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