Lance Stroll; Make Do.

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Who knows
Lost in the Canadian woodlands??

Welcome to my thought process! So, it's gonna be us and the bestie trio camping! Pre existing relationship to Lance will be involved, shenanigans ensue!! Will entail an argument between reader/Lance so be ready for angst bitches

Also as always, foreign language is underlined

This is very much more towards lime, bordering lemon, I lost track of myself in horny jail
"She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes!" Lance sang, bouncing in the driver's seat.

"She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes!" Mick continued, turning towards Esteban.

"She'll be coming round the mountain," The Frenchman crooned, seeing his friends grin at him.

"Coming round the mountain, she'll be coming around the mountain when she come!" The trio harmonised, hearing the passenger in the front sighing.

"Oh my god, you're all idiots." She muttered, resting her hand over Lance's, as it was resting on the gear stick.

"You didn't have to come, honey!" Said Lance, giggling at her as he drove up to the campsite entrance that read 'Grasslands National Park Welcomes You to The Frenchman River Valley Campground'.

"That is a lie!" She laughed out, looking over the shoulder at the other two passengers before turning back to her boyfriend. "You would've kidnapped me and Mick and Esteban would be accomplices."

"(Y/N) has a point..." Esteban hummed, leaning forward to twiddle her (H/C) ponytail. She laughed, Lance glanced to his side with a soft smile as she did so.
They had decided that the summer would be good to go to a camp in the wilderness, and as much as they thought the Black Forest in southern Germany would've been nice, the group decided that Canada would be great as Lance knew the area, and they all knew English and a French of some description, so it was an easy choice.

They did decide to camp in comfort, so they took the largest tents they could, everything packed on top of an old model Land Rover. Not to mention the fact that they had inflatable air mattresses, a proper little gas over/barbecue/camping stove, as well as further home comforts and treats.
Lance refused to entertain the idea of full on camping, much to Mick's disappointment, citing that (Y/N) was to be treated like a queen if she was going to be eaten by bugs.

After an hour's drive around the actual site, they found their plots and pitched up, Mick and Esteban worked swiftly at setting the tent poles up, since the latter was taller than the tent itself, and Mick did this with his family as a child. Meanwhile, their neighbours were in the midst of arguing.

"Lance, you've done it wrong! You've put the short rod where the long rod should go, and any breeze will suffocate us in our sleep as it'll blow down!"

"(Y/N), I know what I'm doing, I watched a YouTube video!"

"And I have the instructions!" She argued, turning her fired gaze back to the sheet. The Canadian let out an exaggerated sigh, pulling the tent poles apart and resetting them, only for their friends to come over. "Boys, please can you help?"

"Depends, are you gonna kill each other and us?" Esteban asked, Mick failing to hide a smirk.

"Well, there's only one viable candidate thus far. He won't accept it though." She grumbled, feeling Lance glare in her direction.

"Well, since (Y/N) won't help out with it, can you guys?" He pleaded, seeing his friends nod, all three of them now setting the tent up. The woman silently got to work, going to the van and getting the generator up and running, thank God for Solar Seb's suggestions.
She attached the plugs and hoses to the correct outlets, starting to blow up the beds for the Schumacher/Ocon tent first. They both had single airbeds, and it was a sectional tent, so she carried one through at a time, settling them with their sleeping bags and bedding, followed by their rucksacks full of clothing and toiletries. "Mick, Esteban, I'm gonna run the cooler in your tent for now, is that okay?" She asked, seeing them nod.

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