Another thing coming

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ddie had switched on his boom box which blasted Judas Priest's "you've got another thing coming", he got up and started dancing while drinking the rest of his beer to make me laugh, but I got up off the bed and put my cargos back on to quickly join him, he put his arm out, "will you take this dance?" Eddie scoffed while he took another large gulp of beer as I took his hand and began twirling and laughing, as the song ended he brought me into a hug, I looked up at him to see his smile once again, but all of a sudden slayer began blasting through his boom box, this must be a mixtape he made..
Our faces lit up and he immediately started head banging, his hair went wild, flicking in every direction, he eventually looked up, "come on!" He laughed, I started moshing with him as his trailer rocked back and forth, things started falling off shelves and we heard a glass smash in the kitchen, Eddie gasped and looked at me then began to giggle, "I think we're in trouble" he chuckled as he took my hand and lead me to the kitchen to see the remains of the bottom of a glass surrounded by small shards, "oh shit" we said he unison, "uhh.. let's put our shoes on, I don't want you to get glass in your foot..I'll clean this up" Eddie laughed, I put my docs back on while I reached over for the dust pan and brush that rested on the kitchen counter, "oh you didn't have to, cherry" Eddie said with a smile, "it is partly my fault" I protested, he laughed and began to sweep up the glass, discarding it into the recycling bin, "don't worry sweetheart, come here" he said as he pulled me in for another hug, I'm guessing his mixtape had finished because it was now silent, but Eddie filled this by humming to me with my head in his chest, it was a song I hadn't heard before but it was catchy, with a nice rhythm..
His soft hum swam through my ears and made me dozy, Eddie had looked at his watch to find it was now 9pm, "I'll take you home.. it's pretty late, I really enjoyed that, cherry.. we should do it again sometime" Eddie winked, "I would love that" I replied, he took my hand into his bedroom to collect my things, he let me borrow his shirt.. I was so happy because it smelled just like him.. so enchanting and so.. Eddie.

We had reached my house, I had told him I could catch a bus or something because drink driving is dangerous but if there's anyone I met that didn't give less of a single fuck.. it was Eddie, "hey uh, see you tomorrow? Oh uhm.. there's a party on Friday.. at some cheerleaders house and we're totally gatecrashing it, wanna join?" Eddie asked, I smiled instantly.. he's already inviting me to gatecrash parties with him and go on another date! "Yeah, I'm excited!" I replied, "good, see you tomorrow, I love you y/n" Eddie leaned in for another kiss, "I love you more" I replied, he gave a quick smile and watched me enter my house to which he drove away, I watched him leave as my mom tapped the back of my shoulder, "where have you been? You said you'd be back by 7, it is now 9" she said while pulling me into the house, she was stood in her dressing gown.."yeah, I'm sorry I didn't realise the time it gets dark so quickly now" I replied,
"I'm okay I promise, I was on that date I told you about" I continued, "i'm just worried about you honey.. when I got that call the other day from Ms. Kelly you're all I can think about right now" said my mom, "yeah, I know.. but Robins really helping me at the minute.. and Eddie, he's really nice" I replied, "well at least your home, you can tell me all about Eddie tomorrow, time to get some rest.. and a shower" my mom sniffed the air and made a funny face, I laughed and thanked god she was okay with me and Eddie.

I jumped in the shower quickly and then slumped into bed, I couldn't stop thinking about how Eddie held me, so protective and warm.. I could tell he didn't want me to leave.. but I think I've really fallen for him, I actually think I'm madly in love with him..

Sweet love o' mine // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now